How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System

how long does marijuana stay in your system

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

How long does weed stay in your system? Or how long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoked for the first time are questions we get daily. We know stoners ask this stuff about amounts of time and amounts of weed because they want to pass a drug test. If that’s the case you can skip right to our post on how to pass a drug test. Or if you need something more graphical check out this informative infographic: How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System for a more detailed look at the amounts of time it takes based on a few variables.

Basically after you smoke marijuana the period of time it stays in your system varies on a lot of things. The amounts of time that your body retains traces of marijuana depends on a number of factors, including how often you smoke, your metabolism rate, your health and your weight. The potency of the pot you smoked will also affect how long marijuana will stay in your system, says the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

How long does THC stay in your system?

Drug testing sucks. Because it doesn’t show impairment unless it’s giving right after smoking marijuana. What really matters is the amounts of time that’s lapsed since the last time you’ve smoked weed. Plus another thing to think about when it comes to how long marijuana stays in your system is your overall health. Sounds crazy but when it comes to urine tests the more fat you have on your body the longer you’ll test positive after you smoke marijuana. You’re overall physical health will also affect how long it stays with you. More fit means you’ll burn through fat faster and it’ll be easier for you to pass a drug test for pot. The longest length of time that we’ve heard weed sticking around is more than 90 days that’s because marijuana stays in your fat cells after you consume it. That’s whey tests for marijuana don’t show impairment. So what’s the point of them if all they can do is detect cannabis use at some point in time over the last couple of months? The effects of marijuana wear off pretty quickly—a lot quicker than weed stays in your fat cells that’s for sure.

Anyhow, how long does THC stay in your system after smoking weed? Bottom line? No one can really say definitely how long stays in your system or how long you will test positive for marijuana or THC since the rate of THC metabolism varies per individual. But there are some common guidelines. According to experts at WebM, the amount of time marijuana stays in your system is anywhere from a week to a month, depending on how often you use it.

stuff_sl_box_bannerHow long does weed stay in your system if you smoke once?

We get this one a lot—how long does weed stay in your system if you smoked one time or how long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoked for the first time? According to a review by the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) you’ll likely test positive for marijuana for 1-3 days after smoking weed or taking a hit from a marijuana vaporizer.

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How long does weed stay in your system if you smoke frequently?

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoke a lot? It stays with you a whole lot longer that the effects of marijuana. The effects of marijuana will last only a few hours but that doesn’t mean that detection times will last that long.  Studies suggest that people who smoke hella weed can expect to test positive for around a week following last use. According to the NDCI, after 10 days, most frequent users should pass a urine test. “Based upon recent scientific evidence, at the 50 ng/mL cutoff concentration for the detection of cannabinoids in urine, it would be unlikely for a chronic user to produce a positive urine drug test result for longer than 10 days after the last smoking episode.”

However, there’s no guarantee that a heavy cannabis smoker will be free of THC metabolites after 10 days. Studies show it’s possible for some users to test positive for up to a month after last use. In one extreme case, a person who reported using cannabis heavily for over 10 years managed to test positive (above 20 ng/mL limit) for up to 67 days after last use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System Calculator

How long does marijuana stay in your urine? Here’s a simple graphic that can help you better understand how long weed will stay in your system. It’s simple to use and is basically based on your percentage of body fat and how often you smoke weed.

How long does weed stay in your system for a urine test?

How long does weed stay in your urine (or should we say how how long does THC stay in your urine?)? Well THC, aka the stuff in weed that causes you to get high, will appear as a positive within 2-5 hours of use on a urine drug test. So avoid drug testing during this time obviously. How long it will still show on a urine drug test is estimated based on frequency of use, but does not take into account the weight and body fat of the marijuana user. Generally, newbies may show positive on urine tests for 1-6 days, moderate users might test positive for 7-13 days and frequent and heavy smokers may show positive for 15 or even 30 or more days or more. So if you’ve been smoking a ton of weed lately you better find a way to avoid any drug testing for a while.

All drug testing methods suck but the urine drug test is the most common. That’s because urine tests are simple to administer, accurate and delivers immediate results. It’s also probably because urine tests are the most humiliating. Luckily however, the common urine drug test is also the easiest to beat. Of course there are more complex urine drug tests that are harder to beat, but they are expensive to run—which makes them rare. And most of the time urine tests are used to confirm a failed test when it’s contested.

Have a ua drug test approaching? Sure might think synthetic urine, fake urine, fake piss, fake pee is gross but it’s actually toxin free and what drug test labs use to calibrate their equipment. Does synthetic urine work for drug tests? You bet’cha. Synthetic urine works perfectly to pass a ua test. Worried about your fake urine being detected as synthetic? Won’t happen if you purchase a quality product like Sub-Solution. It’s completely undetectable, comes with a chemical heating powder to warm it up and a 200% money back guarantee. Check out our page on using fake pee for more information including our best synthetic urine reviews.

How long does weed stay in your hair?

How long does weed stay in your hair? Wait, drug testing for hair? Yep hair follicle tests happen. THC will show up about 7 days after use. And most hair drug tests will test for a 90 day period. That’s what makes the hair follicle tests such a bitch. However, THC does not always bind to the hair follicle which makes it not always considered an accurate testing method for marijuana use.

The hair drug test aka the hair follicle tests is harder to beat than the piss test, though. That’s because drug tests for hair can detect drug usage aka detect cannabis in any hair that was growing anywhere on your body at the time you consumed drugs. If you were smoking weed 6 months ago that means the hair growing at that time is contaminated and drugs can be detected in it. The dreaded hair drug test can also determine when and how much of a specific drug was used. Luckily these specific hair drug tests are rare. Check out this article for more in-depth information on how to pass a hair drug test.

How long does weed stay in your saliva?

How long does weed stay in your saliva? On a Saliva Drug Test, THC will test positive within one hour of use, but may only show positive for about 12 hours after last use. However the saliva test can be given anytime and anywhere—making it very convenient for law enforcement. Even worse? The results for a saliva drug test, also known as a mouth swab drug test, are quick, accurate and immediate. The saliva drug test (mouth swab drug test) is not affected by the typical tricks and techniques that might work to defeat or beat a urine drug test. For more information check out our post on how to pass a mouth swab drug test.

How long does weed stay in your blood?

Blood tests are tough to beat. That’s because blood tests are typically performed at a hospital by an expert. Police typically don’t employ blood tests. Anyhow when it comes to these dreaded blood tests the key is knowing how long does weed stay in your blood. Weed could remain above the limit of detection (0.3 ng/ml) in the blood of regular users for up to a month, although it varies by individual. Luckily for stoners, the gold standard of drug testing—blood tests are the least used because they’re costly and must be administered by a healthcare professional. Plus the blood drug test is most often given out by insurance companies or law enforcement so if all you’re doing is looking for a new job, you won’t be facing one of these.

Sometimes drug testers like to mix and match these tests, so be careful out there. Good luck. And if you need it, here’s our tips on how to pass a drug test.

How long does weed stay in your system final thoughts

“There is no typical window of detection,” says Ryan Vandrey. This guy is an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University teaching in their highly esteemed psychiatry and behavioral science sector. Not only is he an expert on drug testing he says that the time marijuana stays in a person’s system is “highly variable from person to person.” He also says that it varies based on the frequency of use and the amount of use.” So there’s no way of predicting or knowing how long someone would test positive with any kind of certainty,” he concludes. But that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate and get pretty close.

We can tell you with confidence that marijuana in your system will work its way out of your system in about 30 days. And that depends on how much you smoke. If you’re a heavy smoker you can probably expect that marijuana will stay in your system for that full month. If you’re a light smoker marijuana will stay in your system for shorter period of time. Anyhow, good luck on passing your piss test, man. If you’ve got one. Let us know how it goes in the comments section below?

How to get weed out of your system fast

Looking for help on how to get weed out of your system fast? Let’s cut to the chase. No article on drug testing would be complete without directions on how to pass one quickly. You probably need to know how to pass a drug test in 24 hours or less? If you have a urine drug test in 24 hours your best bet might be to try a detox drink 3 to 4 hours before your drug test. You can also chug water and cranberry juice to dilute your urine. You can also give synthetic urine a try if you’re looking to pass a drug test fast or find friend who doesn’t smoke weed and ask them to give you some their pee. For more information check out our in-depth post, How To Get Weed Out Of Your System Fast.

How long does pot stay in your system? We should have answered them by now, but if you have any more questions…then please let us have them in the comments section below.

121 Responses to “How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System”

  1. sherri

    i ate 3 brownies saturday night and have drug test monday morning at 10am i dont use at all otherwise is there something i can do i cant cancel

  2. sherri

    i ate 3 brownies saturday night and have drug test monday morning at 10am i dont use at all otherwise is there something i can do i cant cancel i know i need help

  3. sherri

    i ate 3 brownies saturday night and have drug test monday morning at 10am i dont use at all otherwise is there something i can do i cant cancel i know i need help please reply

  4. You idiot

    How old are you, you have got to be a complete idiot knowing u got a drug test on Monday and eat 3 brownies basically ur fucked

  5. Baka

    At that moment he knew he fucked up (plays sad music)

  6. ab

    i think im a occasional smoker. i have started smoking like 4 months ago and occasionally last month i smoked 3 times and i only give the joint 3 hits or 2. my last time was on nov 20th. i have and upcoming blood test and urine test in a week. i have been clean for 23 days. will it show positive? please answer this is my dream job and im tripping cause i dont wanna fuck this up

  7. Tee

    I quit 7 months ago. I have some home thc testing kits AND IT’S STILL IN MY SYSTEM! How can this be? Should I buy a different thc kit. This makes no sense at all. Yes, I was an extremely heavy, heavy, all day, everyday smoke for a 100 years. But still, 7 months and I’m not getting two clear lines on the test?! What the hell? I know the results say that a line is a line. I only get one strong line, but one very, very, very faint line for the one that should say a negative test. I just don’t get it.

  8. Dlm

    oh man, I’m going to have to take a drug test in 1 1/2 month to 2 1/2 months. I’ve been smoking wax for the past 10 months daily, 1 gram a week or so, with a couple days and weeks off in between. hopefully 40-60 days is enough for me to pass a urine test. I’m going to be drinking like 10 cups of water a day and try to sweat as much as possible, as well as taking some detox juices I have for the next month for two. I’m pretty much much done smoking anyways. Threw away my rig with no second thought.

  9. Kt

    I used to be a frequent user I’ve been clean since November 5th when I was put on probation. Now I have a possible drug test coming up in 19 days (jan6) if I smoke only 1 blunt & drink water and cranberry juice every day for 19 days will I test clean???? Please reply quickly.

  10. Stoner

    Well I’ve smoked as long as I can remember and alot. pass a test drink 64-120oz of water 2 days before you go drink a glass that morning pee a few times an it should pass I’ve never failed.. good luck peeps

  11. Anonymous

    Ive only done it w twice

  12. anonymous

    Hey all I recently smoked weed with a friend last week. I am not a regular weed smoker the last time I smoked weed was several years ago. I have a drug test to do around about January 7th. Will test positive and if so what can I do to come up negative. This will be a urine test.

  13. Tyler

    I’ve been an off and on daily smoker for the past 1-2 years, I weigh 160-175 I take vyvanse 5 days out of the week for ADD i just want to know how long would it take to properly cleanse my system before the end of January

  14. Anonymous

    I didn’t actually smoke but we hot boxed a car on the 29th and I have a blood test soon do you think it’ll show that I was around it I’ve only ever smoked once before this?

  15. Bob

    So, weight definitely has an effect on the THC levels stored in the fat cells, however, I am a young, 5’11 130 pound guy. How long would it stay in my system if I was a heavy smoker and I drink a bunch of water and green tea?

  16. Anonymous

    My nephew smoked marijuana on Sunday then on Wednesday had to do a random drug test. He is not a regular user. He drank 3/4’s of a liter water before test. We’re wondering if it will be a negative outcome

  17. dave

    No what this site is saying is one time use of pot will leave your system in 1-6 days for newbies. THIS IS SO FALSE! I am 28 yrs old,140lbs, very active, and i drink continuous amounts of fluids…”water,tea” no i was around people who smoked pot on 12-24-15 at around 9 pm. i didn’t even take a single hit. I just was around them. I took a UA on 1-8-16 at 8:00 a.m. and failed the test… mind you prior to this i hadn’t smoked pot in over a year. So please do not try to cheat a drug test, they will catch you every time. Take it from me I’m on parole. I’d hate forthis to hhappen to someone cause these websites are claiming different… 16 days and I’m still dirty, didn’t even smoke, just was around people who did smoke one time

  18. Mia

    I have to do a full physical, including drug test to allow me to get my green card so I can live and work in the USA… I’m from Canada and I’m a pretty heavy smoker and I’m nervous I might fail. I’ve been smoking every night only for the past roughly 4 years. I’m quitting smoking marijuana now and for the next month for my appointment. I weight 120, I’m extremely healthy, I eat healthy, barley drink, I work out almost daily and drink lots of water.. Does anybody have any advice about this?? I have a month to hopefully get it out of my system.

  19. Wolfie

    OK so I smoked this past Saturday I am donating blood this Thursday how do i get this out off blood stream I’ve been told I have to wait 30-45 days but I don’t smoke buy once inca blue moon I’m 5’1″ and 121 pounds I really need answers fast

  20. Cj

    I smoked weed daily for about 8 years i stoped on dec.31 i have a drug test jan. 30th im 6’3 210pounds i drink about 5 bottle waters a day plus 2 cups of cranberry juice will i be good to go or no?

  21. Stoned Depot

    Folks with higher metabolisms will always have the upper hand when it comes to urine tests.
    But the good news is that as marijuana becomes more prevalent, more and more companies are testing for THC-COOH at higher levels.

  22. MD

    I must have the greatest metabolism in the world because I’ve been a heavy daily smoker (all day long, even before work) for 26 years, and also indulge in edibles, and it only took me 19 days to piss clean. I’m 5’3, 120 lbs, female. I didn’t do anything special to try and detox, just lived life normally, only without weed.

    The only things I think may have helped me are that I ran a marathon 3 months ago, and I get a decent amount of exercise because I have a dog and own a dog walking biz. I have plenty of fat on me, have been eating tacos, pizza and hot dogs – total junk – didn’t up my workouts or anything. I really was expecting this to take months; I am (or should I say was) the biggest stoner I know.

    Crazy! Good luck everybody!

  23. Laughing

    It is absolutely next to impossible to fail a drug test for second hand smoke. Nice try though.

  24. Brown

    I smoked last Saturday and nomore after how long will it take I have to take a urine test Thursday

  25. MD

    There is no right answer. It depends how long and how much you’ve smoked in the past, and how fast your body metabolizes it. Have you not read any of these comments?!

    If you smoked just that once in the recent past, you’re probably fine. If you d smoked more than that, hard to say. The only way you will know if you can pass is if you test yourself first.

    Go to Amazon and order some tests, then take them. They’re cheap.

  26. MD

    Stoned, not necessarily the case. I just read a report that stated 70% of employers in Colorado have made their drug testing policies more stringent since pot was legalized for recreational use. You’d think they’d relax a little, but in actuality, they’re concerned about having a dazed and confused workforce. And they can absolutely get away with it, because pot is still illegal at the federal level and because private companies can do whatever they want. I mean, an employer can choose not to hire cigarette smokers, and cigarettes are legal everywhere.

    There’s actually a case (not sure if it’s been settled yet) of a paraplegic guy in Colorado who has a medical marijuana card, who was fired from his job after testing positive. He took it to court and LOST. I know he was taking it to the Supreme Court, but not sure what has transpired with his case.

    Just sayin’, just because laws are getting more lax, that doesn’t mean employers are.

  27. clinton

    I smokes weed last 1 of jan 2016. And I have a blood test the 1st of feb is my blood clean

  28. Felecia

    First, I love ur comment ‘Laughing’ to Dave!! That dumb **s is full of **it that he hot boxed a car, more like his **s hot boxed his lungs a few times!! LOL!! Anyway, my question is, if I smoked once today and had a urine test on Thursday morning at 10:30 would I pass?? Can I get an answer asap please? Thanks much!!

  29. MD

    Go back to read my comment on 1/26 and there’s your answer.

  30. Peter

    Smoked up Monday night, moderate user, piss test tomorrow. Will I pass? I’m super lean at 6% body fat, and I’m constantly drinking water

  31. MD

    Peter, if you are too lazy or dumb to read the comments that have already answered this question right on this same page, you shouldn’t be smoking weed at all because you clearly do not have a single brain cell to spare. For the love of God, how many times do people have to say the same damn thing? READ.

  32. Danimal

    PETER ….PETER…..PETER… more smoke for you

  33. Hieu

    These comments are hilarious lmao

  34. wplezotte

    OK here it is! The only way for a user to be sure to pass a test is to substitute a clean specimen of synthetic urine. The article casts doubt on the effectiveness of such a product but having taken several DOT mandated drug screens, and since the first collection is always not monitored, I can positively say that synthetic clean urine is 100% foolproof. And keep it at the correct temperature by using duct tape to keep it under your armpit in a small plastic vile.

    A marijuana high lasts only a few hours (around six if an edible is consumed), but traces of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, remain in the body for much longer than that.

    Marijuana can be detected through both blood and urine tests, which are frequently conducted for DUIs and employers. If inhaled, marijuana enters the bloodstream through alveoli in the lungs. If marijuana is eaten, the liver breaks down THC into non-psychoactive marijuana metabolites, which linger in the body and are stored in fatty tissues. Some THC metabolites have a half-life of 20 hours, while others like THC-COOH have a half-life of 13 days, according to High Times.

    A 2014 study found that regular marijuana users have traces of marijuana in their urine for about two weeks, according to High Times. The study also found that a tiny bit of THC can still be present in the blood of a regular user despite abstaining for several weeks.

    Urine tests measure THC-COOH, since it has a very long half-life in the body, according to the website for the California branch of the marijuana advocate organization Norml. Blood tests are used to measure THC levels, and directly correlate with impairment at the time the test is taken.
    For infrequent users, marijuana can be detected in urine for around a week or more, and blood tests can measure active THC levels for around 24 hours.

    For frequent or heavy marijuana users, their urine tests may show up positive for up to 100 days after their last use, and blood tests will show the presence of THC for up to one week.
    THC-COOH builds up in the body each time marijuana is used, and thus takes even more time to decline, according to Norml.

  35. wplezotte

    The only way for a user to be sure to pass a test is to substitute a clean specimen of synthetic urine. The article casts doubt on the effectiveness of such a product but having taken several DOT mandated drug screens, and since the first collection is always not monitored, I can positively say that synthetic clean urine is 100% foolproof. And keep it at the correct temperature by using duct tape to keep it under your armpit in a small plastic vile.

    A marijuana high lasts only a few hours (around six if an edible is consumed), but traces of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, remain in the body for much longer than that.

    Marijuana can be detected through both blood and urine tests, which are frequently conducted for DUIs and employers. If inhaled, marijuana enters the bloodstream through alveoli in the lungs. If marijuana is eaten, the liver breaks down THC into non-psychoactive marijuana metabolites, which linger in the body and are stored in fatty tissues. Some THC metabolites have a half-life of 20 hours, while others like THC-COOH have a half-life of 13 days, according to High Times.

    A 2014 study found that regular marijuana users have traces of marijuana in their urine for about two weeks, according to High Times. The study also found that a tiny bit of THC can still be present in the blood of a regular user despite abstaining for several weeks.

    Urine tests measure THC-COOH, since it has a very long half-life in the body, according to the website for the California branch of the marijuana advocate organization Norml. Blood tests are used to measure THC levels, and directly correlate with impairment at the time the test is taken.
    For infrequent users, marijuana can be detected in urine for around a week or more, and blood tests can measure active THC levels for around 24 hours.

    For frequent or heavy marijuana users, their urine tests may show up positive for up to 100 days after their last use, and blood tests will show the presence of THC for up to one week.
    THC-COOH builds up in the body each time marijuana is used, and thus takes even more time to decline, according to Norml.

  36. K

    I smoke very heavily before I got pregnant as soon as I find out I was pregnant I stop smoking. I had my baby November 28th and I breastfed for 2 weeks. I recently started smoking on February 5th for 2 weekends and 1 full week only once a day. Not even a full blunt. I stopped smoking yesterday because my milk was still flowing. I’m interested in breastfeeding again I just don’t know how long I should wait to get it out of my system

  37. MD

    K, I think you’re fine to breastfeed so long as you are not doing it while stoned.. When people talk of weed being in your system, they don’t mean you are still high or under the influence in any way. Weed itself leaves your body shortly after use. It’s the byproducts of weed that are detected in drug tests, and they hang out in your fat cells for a while (days, weeks or months depending on your usage), eventually getting released, flushed through your liver, and out through your urine. That being said, I think you should absolutely refrain from feeding your baby while you are intoxicated, and pump/store milk in the freezer while not using so that you have clean milk for when you feel like smoking up. Same as moms do when they want to go out for drinks with their friends – just bottle feed on those days. I know you probably love weed, but sometimes we have to make concessions because it’s the right thing to do. I haven’t smoked in 6 weeks because I need to get a job. Ce’st la vie. You have a new baby who is relying on you to keep him/her healthy. You have the rest of your life to smoke as much weed as you want – garbage bags full if you so choose. Use this time to focus on what’s best for baby, and worry about getting high later. Just my opinion. Congrats, by the way. 🙂

  38. No name

    I smoked on a Saturday night took a home piss test Sunday failed took one Monday passed took another on Monday just to make sure passed that one too

  39. No name 3

    I smoked last Wednesday I have a blood test tomorrow will I pass? I don’t smoke ever. It was just one bowl of keef with my girlfriend

  40. No name 3

    I smoked last Wednesday I have a blood test tomorrow will I pass? I don’t smoke ever. It was just one bowl of keef with my girlfriend. Please let me know asap

  41. Chris

    Hey guys I was a heavy smoker of weed, bho and hash up until last week. I have a hair test coming up in 90 day’s and I’m wondering if I will pass most likely. Will detoxifying work and going to the gym or will that not affect my results? Thanks

  42. Mary jane

    Chris you are good, the other two no name guys. You fuked up

  43. Anonymous

    Okay so I hadn’t smoked weed for 2 months previous and I was an occasional maybe 2-3 times a week smoker before I stopped. I screwed up and had a bowl last night and I have a drug test in about 3 weeks. Will I be good to pass after that long?

  44. Sammy

    ??? Not a smoker but had a couple of drags ..Will it show up 3 days later???

  45. Al

    I haven’t smoked in 6 months and I’m going on spring break tomorrow. I’m getting a UA test on the Monday I come back which is 10 days from now. I’m gonna smoke a lil tomorrow. I’m going to drink a lot of water and exercise. Will I pass? I need answers quick please!

  46. Jay

    What’s up guys? First, thanks for the hilarious comments. I’m a big fan of laughing.

    Let me tell you about how my story goes because i too was a nervous nancy.

    Weed isn’t worth losing your salary. I smoked more than anyone I’ve ever met for 9 years. I’m active and played hockey throughout it all. With that being said I’m a moderate drinker which does effect your liver and thc cleansing. Last time I smoked heavily was December 14th (4 blunts in a day). I quit just because I wanted a change in my job situation and I knew this day would come. I took a job with a lucrative salary and have a drug test on Wednesday. 2 weeks ago I took an at home kit and it had a very faint line…I wasn’t sure if i was just imagining it so I took another tonight and the two lines showed clearly.

    Eat right, drink a ton of water, take vitamins and don’t stress balls over it. Life happens, and look at the silver lining; if you fail then you can continue to roll fatties. I’m 6′ 185 and in wouldn’t consider myself in excellent shape bc I’m lazy. If you’re a newb to the game and you have to pass within the month you stand a far better chance than people like me who took 60+ days of paranoia to piss clean. It’s all relative and each body type is different especially when you factor in potency and all the other factors.

    Oh yeah, I drank baby urine for a straight month. That helped out tremendously.

    Good luck.


  47. Sithhulk

    Regular water fasting for a week would clean anyone out with detoxing along with giving liver time to recuperate.

  48. V37

    So does medicaid do drugtests by u.a. or blood test? Medicaid wants to do a drug test before approving my treatment, will they do a blood test or a urine test?

  49. Taco

    Found out the job I’m applying for requires me to take a drug test. I smoke 2-3 times a week, and usually only take one GB when I smoke each time. I’ve been smoking for a couple months. My drug test is in about a month. Do I have a good chance of passing my drug test?

  50. marliz

    Ive been a frequent user everyday for the last six years. (which is dro)
    I need to be clean by August my metabolism is fast but I don’t eat that great I’m small I weigh in at 120 and I’m 5’5 1/2 but I’m like a pencil. With that being said I have 19% body fat. I’ve read the comments above but I couldn’t really relate to any of them I’ve googled and googled but couldn’t Find anything specific. So if I stop at the 32nd of April will I be clean by August? Or even July?

  51. marliz

    I meant if I stop by the end of april. Spell check.

  52. Timbo

    I smoked a joint after being clean for a year. One month after smoking a took a pre hire urine test and passed no problem. I do exercise two to three times a week but didn’t drink excessive amounts of fluids

  53. marliz

    That had nothing to do with what I asked. Re read it again.

  54. Ryno409

    Some of you are wrong Ive been clean for 8 months I smoked two hits of a blunt last week took a drug test this morning for probation and passed I drink 2 pitchers of half tea and half water for 6 days straight nothing else I’m talking for breakfast lunch and dinner for 6 days straight u can’t drink nothing else when u cleansing your system no soda no nothing but water or tea

  55. A Guy

    So, I only smoke like 2-3 times a month. I didn’t smoke for a week, but last weekend I smoked with friends and took one small dab. Could I pass a drug test like 10-14 days from now? I drink a lot of water so I’m hydrated and I do cardio 3-4 times a week.

  56. Brenna

    I smoked once in January, once in February and once on april 18. It’s may 11 and i have a drug test tomorrow. Am I ok

  57. Bonnie

    I smoke 3-4 times a week for about a month and have a drug test in a week. They said they mix it up between saliva and urine. If I drink lots of water and eat right will I be good?

  58. V37

    – Bonnie, for a saliva test you should be good, but probably not for a urine test

  59. Bonnie

    I’ve passed in 10 days before drinking a lot of water and exercising, I’ll probably get a home test just in case.

  60. V37

    Good luck!

  61. Tamala cryddr

    I smoke one blunt with two friends ..cause I have not smoked in while how Long will it take for my system to be clean? I hit the blunt 4 or 5 times

  62. Anonymous

    This may be a stupid question but i took one hit of a blunt on Sunday i also drug tested my self and didn’t have anything in my system but i just worked out is there any way it could come from my muscles retaining it??

  63. Anonymous

    I haven’t smoked in 15 years took a couple of hits 14 days ago will I pass a drug test?

  64. moe

    I havent smoked in well over 6 months and i was in a car and my girlfriend smoked 1 blunt in there with the windows closed but ventilated the car. Will i test positive two days later?

  65. Turkey

    I smoked 14 grams of dro in the past month its been 2 weeks exactly today 06/13/2016 and i have a drug test thursday will i be fine for a piss test before this i was completely clean

  66. Imanidiot

    So quit smoking a year and 2 & 1/2 months ago. I have bad anxiety, and took 3 hits on Monday, know I get weekly urine to screens. Anyone have a similar situation they were I’m and passed in 7 days? My pee test will be either Mon Wed or Fri, it would be a week in between. Any advice will be greatly appreciated, any tips as well. Thanks in advance, and yes I know I shouldn’t have done it.

  67. Worried

    Ok so a lot of these posts are kinda what I am going through. I just started smoking once a night and a few days during the day for about 2 1/2 weeks. I just got an interview for a job I really want and if they like me I’ll go for a second one. And if they offer me the job they schedule me right away for a urine test. With that being said I need to know if I should just buy the drink everyone talks about or have synthetic urine? Thanks for the help in advance.

  68. Tom

    Hey guys. I took a break for about 3 months. I was THC free. I smoked for about 2 weeks and it was only sharing a bowl with friend. I have a test in 25 days. I regularly exercise and I weigh 126 pounds with a fast metabolism. Im planning on drinking lots of fluids and vitamins. Should I be safe a do a ten day detox or should I be ok.

  69. Bonnie&Clyde

    LoL love the comments just an FYI for those ssaying 30 days and your good, WRONG I have smoked flower since I was 20 (Im 42) and the last 4 years smoked nothing but BHO heavily (average 6-10 times a day about .3 dabs each time), sadly moved to a non medial state had to stop April 5th here it is June 29th and I popped hot on a UA. The line was very light but nevertheless, it still showed positive and was confirmed by an outside lab. So just remember, your BMI, the way you eat, your metabolism and other factors like not drinking water regularly ALL play a serious factor.

  70. ImaDOG

    I’ve been a heavy smoker since I was 12. I’m 23 now and I stopped smoking in April. On 4/20 I smoked like 5 blunts. Two high grade blunts and three low grade blunts. I didn’t smoke anymore after that. On June 3rd I smoked one low grade blunt. I haven’t smoked anymore since then. I know I have a drug test coming up sometime soon within the next two weeks. I drink about 6 bottles of water a day and I take b12 vitamins everyday and I workout every other day. I’m 5’6 and 157lbs. Am I clean or would I be clean in a week to two weeks. Please respond ASAP

  71. Anonymous

    People don’t try to legitimately help or answer questions. Ppl on these blogs will be a**holes and try to scare people. Makes me sick. Stick to medical websites with actual scientists and doctors that know what they are taking about. Peace.

  72. Mut

    I haven’t smoked pot since February 27th and today I took one hit off a blunt. How long would it stay in my system

  73. Crazy8

    I smoked everyday for 3 years failed a random drug test at work stopped smoking. They pissed me 10-12 days later and I passed I’m 6,1 200 poinds. I didn’t do anything special lived a normal life and was clean in 10 days

  74. Jenn

    Im not a heavy smoker i took a hot or two off a one hitter bowl irs been over a month will i pass a urine test?

  75. dylan

    i was a daily user for about 3 months and quit for a month. about 2 and a half weeks ago i ripped a small bowl with my buddies and have a drug test today, im about 140 6 foot and have no visable body fat. i drink a lot of water and work out every morning. do you guys think ill be good?

  76. Dory

    I tested positive for Marijuana for just under 6 months! because i ate a pot brownie..

  77. Dory

    I am 5 foot and 210 and like i said it took just under 6 mos to clear out of my system and i had only ate a brownie.. Took 1 hit about 7 months before i had the test..

  78. Dory

    Its mostly your BMI that counts on how long it takes to clear your system…

  79. No name 3

    I smoked July 2nd and I had to take a drug test today I haven’t smoked since then will I be okay?

  80. Rui

    I dont smoke and i am going a week on vacation and intend to smoke weed about 3 blunts a day. Afterwards i intend to stop because i will have a drug test 10 days after the vacations. Do you think it is gonna test positive?

  81. Omar

    Yesterday I do p test my last smoke 1 gram. 38 days ago 5,6 weight 135 say something please

  82. Omar

    Yesterday I do p test my last smoke 1 gram. 38 days ago 5,6 weight 135 say something please no drink water nothing

  83. Omar

    I stop weed 4/20/16 again I smoke one gram. 6/19/16 yesterday I do p test I’m good or not 38 days no smoke no drinking water 5,7 weight 135 answer me please

  84. I was on probation for 9 months,

    okay, ive been smoking since july 22 2013, everyday a gram of hydro. i got on probation in feb, but my po never tested me , so i continued smoking a gram a day. he told me i was going to get drug tested the next appointment.
    IT TOOK ME 18 DAYS TO GET A FAINT LINE ON A DRUG TEST ,SAYING I TESTED NEGATIVE:) i got drug tested on the 20th day sober from probation and i passed . and i was so proud lol. all i did was play basketball everyday for like 15 days and stopped because i heard that if you excerise a day or 2 before you test, it raises thc levels in the blood. but on the real. i smoke a gram of dro everyday for about 3 years and i couldnt even believe it took me 18 days. people on here and all websites saying more than 30 days got me paranoid. but just dont smoke, after the 4th day its whatever, just take pride knowing you stopped. im still on probabtion it ends in nov. but yeah 18 days .

  85. Mil

    I smoked like 3-4 weeks ago and i usually take 2-3 hits, will my urine be clean by now?

  86. Mil

    Oh and im not a heavy smoker

  87. Vicky

    I smoke two bowls with friends and than was surprised with an announcement for my drug test in 3 days. It was the first time I smoked in weeks I’m 5’5 140lbs and I drink a lot of water. Will I be able to pass?

  88. BKing

    I call myself a light user, probably smoked about 13 grams over the last 3 months, probably a joint of.5 grams per week having 3,4 puffs each time. The weed is not good quality at all. So its been 15 days since i last took a puff, drank plenty of water and tea every since. I am an overweight guy. Will i pass a urine test i just took today ? Thanks for quick replies .. I am Freaking out as i am applying for a a very important job!

  89. Anonymous

    Y’all ask the same question which was the first op nobody knows obvisouly

  90. Scared Nursing Student

    I have a drug test due by next Friday for nursing school. I was a heavy, all day, every day smoker for 2 years. Tomorrow is my 60day Mark of being clean and I’m still failing the at home tests. What’s wrong!?! What can I do to pass? Please please please help!!!

  91. Knock

    for THC to get out of your system, it depends on where and who you smoked with lol just fucking with yoo i got a test tomorrow it been 19 days, hopefully i pass

  92. Knock

    @ Nursing student you should be good tho

  93. still_struggling

    well i stopped smoking on june 28th prior to that i was smoking everyday straight for months. I went 52 days without smoking since june 28th unfortuantley i smoked again on Aug 18, 30 and 31 then again Sept 7, 8-12. Today is Aug 13th and tomorrow will be 24hrs since ive smoked. im hopping i can do 52 days plus and hopefully be able to stay clean until Dec which will be about 3months=90 days. i pray that i should be able to pass a urine test in 90days. sucks that i have to start all over again after doing 52days straight drug free.

  94. Ehy

    Some of you are so fucking stupid I don’t even…

  95. J

    I got a drug test in 2 weeks I smoke one blunt of loud a day if I sweat and drink hella water and take these cranberry pills will I be clean it’s for the millitary and I’m 140 5’11

  96. Fonzee

    So I smoked an hour before my test. I’m on parole. You think I’ll be good if I drink 2 cups of water?

  97. Fonzee


  98. Screwed

    For those of you on parole and trying to go into the military and can’t put down the pipe, you deserve exactly what you get

  99. Will

    Look!.. ya thought u were fast, ya thought u were sporty, ya thought u were clever, but not as clever as Morty 🙂 hi everyone, I’m just laying in bed watching Leprechaun 2 felt like saying that because.. CinemaSins. Y’al be clownin to i might go smoke real quick.. come back just because lol some comments are just really funny. Oh yea I still haven’t beaten arcade mode tower with all characters in MKXL.. still dude.

  100. Will

    I haven’t smoked in 2 1/2 years, 16 days ago I took one hit and only one hit. Got drug tested today, would I be good,? I tested my self with a home drug test and pass it. I’m 5’8about 270lb

  101. Eddy

    I have a drug test next Thursday. I smoked last weekend and two weekends before that. If i smoke tonight will i be ok for Thursday? I’m 6’2 and 200lbs

  102. Jojo

    I have a drug test later today about 11 days ago i had a small piece of brownie on a vacation i took. I am a new mom and still breast feed. I dont have the fastest metabolism, what are my chances of passing?

  103. Dustin

    Go down to King Soopers, purchase a urine drug test, and take it. That will give you your answer. Why are some people asking questions that can be answered with logic?Drink a bunch of water. Take a test every week before your test and see if you’ll pass

  104. Christine

    I used to smoke all day long everyday for about a year. Then I quit for about a month. Within the past month I’ve smoked a couple bowls 2 weeks ago and one tonight. How long will it take to get out of my system?

  105. silverleaf

    SCARED NURSING STUDENT you are a fucking moron. you are a NURSING student, and yet you can’t fucking figure out how to pass a urine test? if I was dying and had you bent over me doing CPR, I’d consider myself fucked.

  106. Josh

    I haven’t smoked in 7 years and I took 3 hits off of a pipe 2 days ago? How long should thc last for?

  107. Kaloob

    If I smoke tonight after 6 months of not smoking, how long would it stay on my system, I’m pretty chubby, weigh 200 pounds, I drink a lot of water, but not a lot of exercise. How long would it stay in my system?

  108. Lmao

    Y’all are complete idiots

  109. RT

    So I took 2 bong hits yesterday. .. what can I do to pass a urine test today?

  110. Dave

    I’m a senior in high school and have played football for four years and also have ran track I’ve been smoking since I was in the 6th grade but it’s been mostly Reggie weed and every now and then dro the last time I smoked was 1/18/17 and I have to take a thc urine test tomorrow night what are my chances to pass if I keep drinking water which is all I drink

  111. Spearfish

    I’m 132 5″3 female I work out 4 x a week eat healthy and smoke daily! I took Q carb, mega clean and eliminex ultra and failed each home test. I drank 2 gallons of water with those too! I ended up using dr greens agent x fake urine and took my chances but I passed.
    Does anyone have any freakin clue why this happened to me ??? I smoked 24 hours before my test

  112. FrazzledFemale

    I’m female, 135lbs, 5’4″. My last day smoking was 1/8/17 to begin detoxing so that I would be clean before beginning a job hunt. However, a relative of mine who knew I was going to be searching for a new job spoke with his boss and got me an interview for tomorrow. He doesn’t know I smoke, but told me the job was guaranteed I just have to fill out the application and pass the UA. I don’t know if it will be tomorrow immediately after the interview, or if it will be scheduled for the following day yet. Before stopping I was a frequent smoker, every day typically a bowl or two (my bowls are equivalent to like, 3 average sized hits. Always been a lightweight.) and had been smoking for about 7 months since the last time I quit for detox purposes. Since he called me last night to tell me he got me the job, I’ve been drinking massive amounts of water. Clear pee all the way. And I stay fairly active at my current job, I run around and sweat like a madman for around 25 hours a week. Do ya’ll think I have a good chance to pass, or should I invest in a detox? It’s too good of an opportunity to pass up, and I can’t bear the thought of making him look bad for referring a family member who can’t pass a drug test. Anyone with experience in this department please respond. I’m super nervous. I’ve never even begun a job hunting process until after a full 4 weeks without smoking because it makes my anxiety shoot through the roof.


    Ok so it was my second time ever smoking and it was from a blunt. And i did it 10 days ago. and in the next two or three days i have a drug test to get a job i applied for. And since it was only my second time alot of my friends say ill be good but im scared i won’t and i really need an idea if yall think ill pass or not.
    I’m 6’4 and 240 pounds.

  114. Thought Wrong

    New Years Eve was the last time I smoked pot. I use to smoke a lot and I smoke cigarettes regularly. I have been drinking a lot of water. How long will it take to test negative for THC if I smoke cigarettes?

  115. Oregon Girl

    In my opinion and due to my own experience. I believe this article is correct. I am a female, 130 lbs, extremely lean/muscular.
    Here is my story:
    I was an avid smoker for about 4 years. And when I mean avid I mean – I’d wake up and have a smoke with my cup of coffee, take another hit before I had to hop in the shower for work, smoke again before leaving the house, smoke on my lunch break if I had enough time, smoke right when I got home, smoked before dinner, smoked after dinner and smoked before bed. I’d wake up and start the same routine all over again!
    But then my husband and I wanted to start a business. So I thought to myself, “Maybe I should stop smoking for a bit so I can take in everything and be more alert.” I took about 3-4 months off completely. Then.. the week I decided to start smoking again – I made a HUGE mistake. I got a DUI. Which is something I never do. And I’ve never been in trouble with the law before. People reading this can be harsh and say, “Oh whatever, you know what they say, if you get caught drinking and driving, that means you’ve done it at least 15 times before.” Not me. I had maybe done it about 5 times my entire life (I’m 28) Anyway..
    I started smoking that week on Sunday and I got my DUI 4 days later on Wednesday. Being naive and unknowing about the law, the next day when I got out of jail, I went home and smoked to calm myself down… Ya — I know I’m a complete dumb-ass. Anyway, after talking with my lawyer Thursday afternoon (the day I got out of jail) he told me that I had a UA (pee test) in 11 days. Now mind you, when I picked up smoking again, I smoked the same way I used to. So I freaked out! But! I managed to pass with flying colors.
    Here’s what I did:
    I stopped smoking immediately
    bought some Drug Tests off of so I could test myself
    drank a good amount of coffee every morning (it’s a natural diuretic)
    bought two boxes of Detox tea from Kroger – I drank this all day, everyday, hot or cold. (I went through the two boxes before the 11 days were up)
    bought a gallon water jug – On top of the tea I was drinking, I made sure to drink a whole gallon of water with lemon a day (or more)
    stayed away from high fat foods
    stayed away from heavy carbs
    I ate Chicken & Veggies every. single. day
    I did go to a smoke shop to buy a detox kit and I did it, but I’m not sure if that helped or not because afterwards by day 6 I was still testing positive.
    I ran 3 miles every day to work up a sweat
    By day 10 I tested clean.
    Your metabolism, how much fat you have on your body, how much you smoked before, and the quality of weed ALL play factors to when it will leave your system. If THC stores in fat, then losing weight is a great way to get it out of your body. I lost about 3 lbs doing what I did. You can take my experience for whatever you want. I’m not here to argue with anyone. But due to what I went through, I do believe you can flush it out of your system.
    I’ve been clean for over a year now (sad) and I think that if I smoked today just one time. One hit. I could have it flushed out of my system in 4-5 days doing the same thing I did before. YOU HAVE TO BURN FAT PEOPLE!

  116. Frankie

    I m 25, 5″9′, 137 lbs. I was a heavy/regular user. I quit for a month, smoked a bowl and then abstained for another month. I then, took a urine test(50ng) and passed, smoked a bowl to celebrate and then took another urine test (50ng) a month later and passed again. True story.

  117. Louis Cypher

    So i smoked about 11 Blunts of Premium dispensary herb yesterday, I’m male 5’9 255lbs not trim. I have a test coming up on the 13th of this month. I know i shouldn’t have, but it was so good. The obvious question is this, will it mess with my developing baby? I really don’t want to lose out on the money I’d make from being the first male to give birth. Really worried, please respond. I know I’ll get hate mail about what smoking will do to my unborn fetus, but i feel it’s no different than violently flogging the bishop. Either way that little f*ckers head is gonna be boggled when he’s born anyway right? I know i need to stay clean so after i give birth i can get the gender reassignment surgery anyway (can’t have the kid growing up without a mom, and father’s normally leave so I’ll fix the problem). Either way; if anyone is interested in hand made glass art , check me out on IG @Mrthehatter. Hope everyone has a great day, and reread the actual post before asking questions.

  118. Anonymous

    I took one hit on Easter( Sunday) And I got a call to take a drug test on Friday. Should I be able to pass a urine test ?

  119. Help!

    I smoked dab and weed for a month, how long will that stay in my body!? Thoughts?????

  120. Kimbrea

    I am a CJM been smoking for 15-20 years how long does it take to completely detox using niacin?

  121. Ruthanna

    okay so im really stressing and need some help. on March 24 I got high and took about 3-4 hits. I am moderately active and weigh 88 pounds. (I’m young lol ) 19 days later on Tuesday I was selected for random drug testing at my school. It’s been a week since the test and I’ve heard nothing back they usually let you know within two weeks if you failed. BTW on Sunday I took sones #7 detox which helps clean you out. That was the Sunday before the test. Should I worry???

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