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How To Make Marijuana Candy

Marijuana Candy Making 101

Marijuana candy, from weed lollipops to weed Jolly Ranchers, is not only stuff stoners like it’s easy to make at home. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to make marijuana candy or THC lollipops but were too intimidated to try your hand at making hard candy, don’t trip. You can do it, dude. If you already know how to make hard candy making marijuana candy and weed lollipops is a snap. If you don’t know how to make hard candy then you should give this recipe a test run or two. Maybe even cut this marijuana candy recipe in half and definitely omit the hash to save money and practice it a couple times. Making hard candy, just like making marijuana candy, is as simple as heating sugar, corn syrup and water on the stove top. You can even do that while hella stoned.

Marijuana candy recipe

When it comes to making cannabis candy, or any hard candy for that matter, the most important piece of equipment is a candy thermometer. You’ll need one to tell you when you’ve reached 300ºF or what’s known as the “hard crack stage.” Once you get there successfully, making tasty thc candy is all down hill from there.

Cannabis candy equipment

Here’s a list of the equipment you’ll need to make cannabis candy or pot lollipops:

  • candy thermometer
  • damp brush
  • Pyrex dishes
  • baking sheet
  • lollipop sticks if making weed lollipops. If you’re looking to skip the marijuana suckers and just make weed jolly ranchers style candy you can omit the sticks.
  • candy molds could also be used if you’ve got ‘em.

Marijuana candy ingredients

  • decarboxylated hash oil, kief or dry powdered hash (to decarboxylate the kief, hash or hash oil just bake it at 275 at five minutes) Start with 5 grams per batch add more if you want a stronger stone.
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon desired flavoring oil (peppermint, root beer, orange, etc.)
  • 1 drop food coloring (two drops of green is perfect)
  • 1/8 cup powdered sugar
Cannabis candy is tasty and simple to make. All pics from High Times mag

How to make weed candy

Grease your pans and get a pot of water simmering to use to keep your candy malleable. You’ll need to move quickly once shit begins. Next drop the sugar, water and corn syrup in a heavy 2 quart saucepan and cook on high heat stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved.

Once the sugar is all dissolved drop the heat to medium and continue to cook the mixture without stirring. The bubbles will start to slow down as you get near the 300ºF hard crack stage. This could take as long as 15 minutes or more so now’s the time to smoke a joint and relax. If sugar crystals form on the sides of pan just gently wipe them off with a damp brush.

When you hit the 300ºF hard crack stage remove your cannabis candy from the heat. Now it’s time to add your flavoring, food coloring and of course marijuana. Stir or swirl the pan only to mix.

Pour your liquid thc candy into those greased 9 inch pans. Pro-Tip—use cannabutter if you’ve got it to add some extra pot power. Set one pan of candy over that sauce pan with the boiling water. This’ll keep the cannabis candy malleable while you work with the other batch of cannabis candy.

Cut your malleable marijuana candy while it’s still warm

As soon as the edible weed candy is cool enough to handle start cutting it with scissors into 1-inch strips. Then snip the strips into smaller strips about the size of a Jolly Rancher. Work quickly because if the cannabis candy gets too cold it will shatter and be difficult to cut. Pro Tip—if the marijuana candy cools too quickly set it over that saucepan with the simmering water, but if it gets sticky, return at once to the work counter.

Drop the pieces onto a buttered baking sheet. Use weed butter if you’ve got it. Next toss the cannabis candy in some powdered sugar to keep it from sticking together. If you’ve got sticks now’s your chance to make weed suckers. Grab a piece of parchment paper, grab a stick and insert the stick gently—once the candy cools you’ll have yourself some cannabis lollipops. Repeat with the other batch of cannabis candy.

That’s how to make marijuana candy and weed lollipops. Pretty easy, right? Now make with them pots and pans, dude!

Have any experience making weed lollipops or some form of hard cannabis candy? Let us know about it in the comments below…

Stoner Stuff

View Comments

  • Question: I have a thc vape cartridge. 700mg at 65.92% thc. I would like to open it up to make some hard candies. How much of this liquid would I use for this recipe?? Thanks for any advice! :)

  • Had some great success with this recipe. Made 64 candies with 5 mg each!!! Basically made then for about 30 cents a piece. Shows how much the dispensaries make on edibles. I will say at 300 degrees they camelized and had a burnt smell--ruined. Went to 280 next time. They are taffy like but with powered super and wrapped in parchment paper store well in the frig!!! Froze a bunch too in a mold.

  • You don't keep the mixture at 300 degrees for an extended period of time or it will burn. Once it reaches 300 remove from heat or simmer the candy mix. I make regular hard candy and that what I found works best. My question is how do you make a higher THC candy? How much more hash/oil/butter do I use?

  • Hi, I made some candy the other day, for my second time, but I did not get the temp to 300 for the hard crack stage. So my candy is in the freezer, as it gets soft at room temp. Can I put this is a double boiler to reheat it ?
    Thank you


  • Sorry for the delay. I used cannaoil--cannabis butter with canola oil rather than butter. I used 3/4 oz of about 17% thc cannabis in 2 cups of oil. Used 2 tablespoons for the recipe. Made 164 pieces. Used a candy tray from Michaels and sprayed with Pam before I put candy in. I did not go to 300 degrees . Tried one batch at that temp and burned it. Got to about 280 on the next batch which made like a taffy--sticky but fine if kept in frig. I separated themand put in powered sugar and wrapped individually in parchment paper and keep them in the frig. I actually frozen half in the candy tray and just got them out now for Christmas.

  • i have made several batches of candy with this receipt hitting the temp of 300 stop there timingKkk is very important notice watch how fast it is rising and time it right you will never get a burnt taste if your getting to 300 and pulling it then its really getting to 305 to 310 so burnt taste is acquired .
    also as far as THC quenties ive played with this and added double and triple the suggested amount and only added more flavoring and have had awesome success friends and family say i've got Mr rancher (jolly rancher) beat PLAY AND DO YOUR OWN THINGS THAT'S HOW RECIPES ARE INVENTED DUH JUST DON'T BE AFRAID

  • If i were to completely grind some bud, as in use a coffee grinder and then a finishing grinder, wold it work in place of the chief or hash? Im in an area where getting large amounts of chief or hash isn't necisssarily easy to obtain, but i can put my hands on a good bit of bud.

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