First Guy to Buy Recreational Weed Fired After Spotted On News

First Guy to Buy Recreational Weed Fired 3The first guy to buy recreational marijuana in Spokane, WA was after being spotted on the news. It’s like a fuckin’ Feris Beuhler movie gone wrong, right? So this 30-year-old dude named Mike Boyner waits nearly twenty hours in line on Tuesday to be the first guy in Spokane Washington to buy recreational weed, goes homes, gets stoned and immediately gets a call from his employer. Apparently a client recognized him on TV, reports The Daily News, they call him in for a urine test and guess what? He’s promptly fired.

First Guy to Buy Recreational Weed Fired 3He told the Daily News on Wednesday, “I don’t regret it. “I’m sad it happened but I got the title: I’m Number 1. I regret nothing.” He went on to say: “I’ve worked for them on and off for 12 years and several years ago, I signed a document that said I wouldn’t have (THC) in my system,” he said. “I don’t smoke at work!”

Meh, sounds like Boyer pro’lly hated that job anyhow. “It’s the first day, who’s not gonna run down?” Boyer added. “People who hadn’t smoked since the ‘70s and ‘80s were coming down just to be there. It was the day of days.”

First Guy to Buy Recreational Weed Fired 3The Daily news also reports that Boyle bought four grams of Sour Kush and high-fived people waiting in line as he held his bag of weed above his head, yelling “first customer,” on his way out the door. Was it worth it? Let us know in the comments below…

*all pics from the Daily News

One Response to “First Guy to Buy Recreational Weed Fired After Spotted On News”

  1. Jay_Quitmer

    Tell us where he worked, so we can boycott the stinking place!

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