LA Police Investigate Marijuana Dispensary Killings

Marijuana prohibitions aka the police as well as homicide detectives are investigating yesterdays two deadly attacks on Los Angeles-area medical marijuana dispensaries. Prohibiting marijuana not only over inflates its value, but much like what happened during alcohol prohibition, banning marijuana actually creates criminals, criminal activity and a criminal market.

It’s no wonder four robbers gunned down an employee and wounded another at about 4:15 p.m. Thursday at Higher Path Holistic Care Collective on Sunset Boulevard in the Echo Park area. According to the coroners, killed was Matthew Butcher, 27, of Los Angeles. The other victim of a failed War on Drugs, whose name was not released, was hospitalized in critical condition, police said. Take a second and think about what we just wrote. TWO PEOPLE WERE SHOT, ONE DIED,  BECAUSE OF A PLANT. A MOTHERFUCKING PLANT!

Five hours after the first attack, the owner of the Hollywood Holistic dispensary found the body of an employee at their Hollywood store, said Commander David Doan, chief of detectives. The man was in his 30s, but his name was not released. Take another  second and think about what we just wrote. SOMEONE DIED BECAUSE OF A WEED! A FUCKING WEED!

No surveillance video was available from either store, and because investigators do not know the motive for the second killing, they were unsure whether the two attacks were linked, Doan said.

LINKED? Are you fucking kidding us, man? What relates the two deadly attacks is MARIJUANA PROHIBITION and a growing HATRED for medical marijuana, medical marijuana dispensaries, and medical marijuana patients in the LA area. Crime, which is a direct result of medical marijuana prohibition, was among the concerns that prompted the City Council to crack down on proliferating pot dispensaries in Southern California. New Los Angeles city regulations took effect earlier this month. They prohibit dispensaries from being near  schools, churches or parks, just like they do registered  sex offenders. Some began closing, and city officials have said an estimated 400 clinics could be forced out of business that is if their employees remain alive.

It absouletly sickens us to have to report on KILLINGS in our community. People are dying over the struggle for safe access to medical marijuana…it ain’t NO FUCKING JOKE! MARIJUANA PROHIBITION IS KILLING US…now here’s your fucking proof!

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