BREAKING NEWS–Oaksterdam Police Find Pot Plants in Flaming Fortune Cookie Factory

We’ve always maintained rolling papers with pick-up lines or pot-smokin’ tips printed on ’em would be much cooler to find in a fortune cookie than a useless fortune. But even cooler would be to find a pot farm inside a fortune cookie factory!

And, well, that’s exactly what happened to the lucky-ass Oakland police last night as they responded to a fire at the former Kar Mee Fortune Cookie Factory in Oakland’s Chinatown district, which is like a stones throw from Oaksterdam.

Yep, allegedly there were at least 1,000 unharmed (for now) marijuana plants found inside the abandoned factory (the previous owners were kicked-out last year) and according to Sg. Rich Vierra, who must be well-versed in summing up the value of weed, the plants are worth $500,000. And, he also says the small blaze was sparked by an electrical malfunction from the use of an old power line outside the building used to run the lights, ventilation, and irrigation systems. Oh yeah, and the growers are no where to be found…and, uhm…, uh…we know nothing.

2 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS–Oaksterdam Police Find Pot Plants in Flaming Fortune Cookie Factory”

  1. Eric

    Is there still a chance to jack one of those fuckers(the plants)?

  2. GreenGhandi

    That’s because fortune cookies are all American, an american invention that has the common misconception of being Asian but it’s not something you find acroos the water

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