
Sure Jell aka Certo Drug Test Detox Instructions

Have you ever heard of stoners using Sure Jell, also called Sure Gel, or Certo pectin to pass a drug test? It’s true, dude. And after doing some research we believe that in the right instances, using Sure Jell or Certo pectin could actually help you pass a dreaded drug test. Now, let’s get into what exactly this stuff is, why it works and how to use it to pass either a blood or urine drug test. Don’t worry, dude, if the Sure Gel drug test method isn’t right for you, this article will also spell out your other best options. Bottom line—we’re here to help you pass your drug test.

What is Certo and Sure Jell?

Certo is the brand name of a fruit pectin commonly used to pass a drug test. It’s also use to used to make shit like jam and jelly. That’s where this technique gets the name “Certo Drug Test” or “Certo method.” Certo pectin is cheap and it’s easy to use. Sure Jell or Sure Gel is the second most common brand used for this drug detox method. Again, you may have heard the terms sure gel drug test or sure jell drug test, that’s what we’re talking about there. You can find Certo Fruit Pectin and Sure Jell on Amazon. One crazy note is that both Sure Jell Pectin and Certo Pectin are manufactured by the same dudes, Sure Jell.

No matter what you call this detox method—fruit pectin is used as the primary ingredient to help you pass your drug test. The Certo drug test method has been around for years and many people have claimed success. It’s not foolproof, but it does seem to be as reliable as drinking a same-day detox drink before your urine test.

If you want to try something that’s a little more traditional to help you pass that drug test, we recommend Green Gone detox. They’ll help you pass a marijuana drug test naturally. Their detox products were not only designed by pharmacists, but they’re actually recommended by pharmacists also.

How does Suregel work?

When it comes to the Suregel method a lot of stoners believe one common but crazy misconception—that Sure Jell pectin temporarily coats the inside of the stomach and bladder temporarily blocking THC or other toxins from entering your urine. However there’s very little, if any, evidence supporting this claim or its origin. The more likely reason that the Sure Gel drug test method works is because how pectin, which is just fiber, interacts with THC in the body. Plus the process involves drinking a lot of water which will inevitably dilute your urine further improving your chances of beating a drug test.

First of all we know that drug testers are looking for marijuana metabolites in your urine. But THC is primarily eliminated from your body when you take a shit. What ends up in your urine is mostly what was reabsorbed from your intestines into your bloodstream before it could leave your body. Because THC and its main metabolites are fat soluble most of that stored THC is residing inside fat cells from ingested food. Your body makes bile to bind to that ingested fat and make it dissolve in water. Fruit pectin binds to bile in the intestines. So what makes the fruit pectin method effective at beating a drug test is that it temporarily “forces” THC to leave your body through your poop instead of your urine. This leaves you a window of time where you can pass your urine test.

Ever hear of the Sure Jell or Certo drug test method? It actually works, dude

Ingredients for Certo drug test method

The ingredients for the Sure Gel drug test method are minimal. Here’s what you need:

  1. A packet of Certo Fruit Pectin or Sure Jell (other brands are fine too)
  2. A 32 Oz Gatorade
  3. Vitamin B2 or B12 supplement
  4. A gallon of water


Now to pull off the Certo drug test method all you’ve gotta do is:

  • About three hours before your UA test, take a few sips off your Gatorade and then drop in a whole packet of Certo.
  • Shake until the Certo has completely dissolved in the the Gatorade. It will become really thick like jelly.
  • Drink it. All of it. It might be nasty but you’ve got a test to beat, man.
  • Drink the rest of that gallon of water. You don’t have to chug the whole thing in one sitting, you’ve got several hours before the drug test.
  • Urinate at least 3-4 times before leaving your sample for the UA test to ditch any contaminated urine before the certo bound the THC in your intestines.
  • 1 hour before the urine test take that B-vitamin pill to add some color to your urine
  • You might want to grab yourself a home marijuana drug test kit to see if you’ll pass or not.

And that’s it, dude. That’s all there is to the Certo drug test method. Have you ever tried the Sure Jell or Certo drug test method? Let us know in the comments below…

Stoner Stuff

View Comments

  • My question is do you have to quit smoking before doing this and how long before hand i cant find that anywhere

  • what makes the fruit pectin method effective at beating a drug test is that it temporarily “forces” THC to leave your body through your poop instead of your urine.....does this mean if one was to take a laxitive prior to method it would help eliminate any thc remains.

  • i haven't smoked in 6 days and i took a drug test today. the results were inconclusive so they sent it in for testing. if the line showed up it was negative and if it didnt it was positive. the line was half there and half not so i have to wait for the lab to test the levels of thc.

  • I'm a somewhat heavy smoker I have a piss test today, I quit smoking a week ago, took an at home pee test this morning and failed so I just downed some fruit pectin! Hopefully the results come back negative! T minus 2 hours!

  • Testing this as we speak. Drank the pectin about 1 hour 20 minutes ago, working on the 3rd pee. After 4th I will test and post home results. I failed using this my first time. As expected, I smoke throughout the whole process because I wanted to find out how well this worked. So do not smoke once you're taking this product, you will fail. Lol.

  • 2nd test failed. Followed instructions to a T, minus taking B-2, I don't need to yellow out my urine for a home test. Read in a forum someone tried B-12 to yellow out urine, don't it doesn't contain the right ingredient to do this. So, maybe I need to stop for a week prior to this working. If I fail the third test in a week I will be putting it up on Youtube.

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