Citizens Gather at Texas State Capitol on Wednesday to Lobby for Pot Policy Reform

Texas marijuanaOur buds over at the Texas Marijuana Policy say that there’ll be a big ass gathering at the state capital in Texas where pot proponents will urge their elected officials to support legislation to reduce marijuana possession penalties and improve access to medical marijuana. Check out the press release they just sent us:

AUSTIN, Tx. —Marijuana policy reform supporters from around the state will gather Wednesday at the Texas State Capitol for a citizen lobby day in support of a pair of marijuana-related bills.

Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy is organizing the event to help Texas residents meet with their elected officials to discuss the importance of the legislation. Specifically, participants will be urging their lawmakers to support HB 81 and SB 170, which would remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana, and SB 269, a medical marijuana bill that would make the Compassionate Care Act more inclusive and improve patient access.

Representatives of Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy will be available for interviews at 12 p.m. CT in the John H. Reagan State Office Building. Full details of the event are available at

“Texans overwhelmingly support reforming marijuana laws, and their lawmakers need to hear from them,” said Heather Fazio, a spokesperson for Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy. “Hundreds of citizens will visit their elected representatives to discuss why they support a more sensible approach to marijuana policy in Texas.”


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