Federal Representatives Tell Attorney General To Stop Prosecuting Medical Marijuana Cases

Medical Marijuana Cases_eric holderThe DOJ plans to continue its crackdown on cannabis in California. And this news comes not very long that amendment passed by Congress last year prohibiting them from spending any money to undermine state medical marijuana laws.

However two Federal representatives from California, Democrat Sam Farr and Republican Dana Rohrabacher, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday insisting that he stop the federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients and providers in states that have legalized some form of medical marijuana. The letter was sent in response to recent statements by the DOJ that it would proceed with medical marijuana cases despite legislation passed by Congress that strictly prohibits federal funds from being used for medical marijuana prosecutions. From Farr’s press release:

“No reasonable person would agree with the Department’s interpretation of the amendment,” said Farr. “The DOJ can try to parse its wording but Congress was perfectly clear: Stop wasting limited funds attacking medical marijuana patients.”
Congress passed the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment to the FY 2015 CJS Appropriations to prohibit the use of federal funds to prosecute medical marijuana patients or providers that are operating legally under state laws. The bipartisan amendment passed the House last May and was included in the larger omnibus spending bill that passed Congress in December.
“The continuing prosecution of these cases,” said Rohrabacher, “represents a clear defiance of the will of the people, as represented by the United States Congress. Good people, as a result, are victimized by their own government.”
Despite Congress’s clear intent, the DOJ has moved forward on several medical marijuana cases including the Kettle Falls Five case in Washington and cases involving several dispensaries in the San Francisco Bay area. In a recent statement, DOJ spokesman Patrick Rodenbush said the amendment doesn’t apply to cases against individuals or organizations, but merely stops the Department from “impeding the ability of states to carry out their medical marijuana laws.”
In response, the letter stated, “As the authors of the provision in question, we write to inform you that this interpretation of our amendment is emphatically wrong.”

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