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Florida to Legalize Medical WEED

Self-proclaimed “decriminalization advocate” Jeff Clemens (D) of Florida just proposed an amendment to Florida’s constitution that would legalize weed for medical use! Clemens, after noticing all the pharmaceutical abuse in his state, says “there’s no sense in letting people use artificial drugs like oxycodone or methadone while banning a medicine that is safer and natural.”

Clemens also went on to say that legalizing herb could be a “great financial benefit to the state of Florida as a whole, bring in anywhere from $5 million to $12 million.”

According to his legislation, cannabis would only be legal if prescribed to patients with debilitating conditions, much like how pain pills are freely prescribed by unscrupulous doctors in his state. Although Clemens says pain pill abuse kills up to six people a day in Florida, he correctly states “medical marijuana has never killed anyone.” He also says that many recent laws passed to “curb pill mills would also make sure that medical marijuana was not abused.”

“We have a lot of people suffering here in the state of Florida, and I don’t think we need to be telling them that prescription narcotics are the way to go when we have other more natural avenues for them,” Clemens said.

Anyhow, according to a new poll conducted by a Republicrat…er uhm a Republican firm called Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates, which asked point blank: “If there was a Constitutional Amendment on the statewide ballot to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes only when prescribed by a practicing physician and the election were held today, would you vote YES to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes or NO to stop it?” 57 percent of Floridians said YES!

With a recent ABC News Poll showing that all across this great nation 81 percent of voters support medical weed and with 57 percent of Floridians saying they’d legalize medi-pot RIGHT NOW…how can legalizing medical marijuana in Florida not make it to the 2012 ballot? Oh that’s right…both the Florida House and Senate are controlled by the Republican Party. We’ll keep ya posted.


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  • you simply cannot overdose by smoking medical marijuana unlike pain pills, unless you smoke almost your body weight. it could also help cure insomnia.

  • We have Less than 60 Days! Call, Write, Visit your Representatives!! Call Dean Cannon's Office tell him - "Put HJR 1407 Before a Committee"

    The bill goes dead if he does nothing.. Make him do something!

    Don't worry, it'll only be a machine or secretary taking down the message.. They won't ask you any questions.. So Please Do This!!
    Dean Cannon's Office - 850-488-1450

    Make sure your local representatives Co-Sponsor this bill!!

    Here in Florida 7 people die every single day from prescription drugs, our patients, like my Papa, need to be able to listen to their doctors without breaking the law. Tell your representatives to support HJR 1407 and give patients safe access to a safer medication.

    We waste far too much money arresting and imprisoning people like John Haring, a Quadriplegic in Tampa that was arrested for his medicinal use of marijuana, or Jason Furman who has leukemia and went from 30 pills a day to 3 a day when he smoked cannabis, but since his arrest for less than 1 Gram he has had to return to 30 pills a day, or Cathy Jordan who has lived for 25 years with ALS thanks to cannabis, her disease is a disease that gives you 1-5 years left to live, and shes lived 25 years amazing all her doctors and the ALS society because of her cannabis use.

    Please use compassion and help patients get safe access to a cheaper, safer, more effective medication.

  • RE_LEGALIZE Medical Marijuana. It's The Right Thing To Do
    RE_LEGALIZE Medical Marijuana in FLORIDA NOW!!!!!!!

  • I Pray it pass due to the level of Treatment,this State is Known for it is time for All-States to Heal,again the level of Stress Rent Environment Employment Cannabis will treat all level of Heath Issues and will bring us out of the Error with live Today.
    And as always "SmokefortheSeason"

  • I suffer from severe major depression and marijuana has literaly brought me away from suicidal ideation. It has saved my life! I am presently on probation for possession {4 grams} I am not allowed to partake of this very important medicine. I have been given a severe probation which is costing me tons of cash and has me having to do much more than a man who nearly strangled me to death 3 years ago and got only probation with out all the classes and community service and random drug screens. This has caused my depression to reach lows that I have no escape from! Please help get marijuana legal in Florida as it is in other states.

  • Ok, I made the call to Dean Cannons office, someone picked up the phone, and I made the request for Dean Cannon to support leagal marijuana, I have my own reasons for marijuana, I have HIV for 25 years now, half my lifetime, I have been doing ok all these years, seems now as time goes on with all the meds I take day after day, my body is getting worn out, then, about a month ago, I took one puff of the pot, thats all, one puff, would you know it, I felt pretty darn good, my legs were not weak, for the first time in years I felt good, so I am sure if I could get perhaps three puffs a day, it might do the trick and who knows, I will make it in life for another 25 years with HIV, and feel good living with it, thank you

  • I have RSD a terrible pain disease, Cannibis has kept me from committing suicide and has gotten me off the narcotics, Please show some compassion, legaluze now

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