Undisclosed location, April 17, 2024 – In a hilarious twist of fate, Goldmine Gummies, the renowned purveyor of THC-infused delights, unintentionally transformed this year’s April Fools’ Day into a stoner’s spectacle by forgetting to include the very ingredient that elevates their treats to legendary status: THC!
With anticipation akin to a kid awaiting the tooth fairy, legions of fans eagerly tore into their packages of Goldmine Gummies, only to discover that the only buzz they were getting was from the sugar rush! Yes, you heard that right – no THC to be found, folks!
The blunder sent shockwaves through the cannabis community, with some initially suspecting an elaborate prank by the psychedelic prankster gods themselves. But alas, it seems this wasn’t a cunning ploy; it was just a good ol’ fashioned mix-up in the gummy factory!
In an exclusive interview with Goldmine Gummies’ CEO, Harriet Haze, she confessed, “Well, folks, it seems we were so wrapped up in perfecting our new packaging design featuring psychedelic llamas that we accidentally omitted the most crucial ingredient! It’s like making a margarita without tequila – sacrilege!”
But fear not fellow thrill-seekers! Goldmine Gummies has vowed to make amends, promising to double the THC content in their next batch as compensation for this epic gaffe. “We’re going to turn up the heat, folks! You’ll be flying higher than a bald eagle on a rocket ship!” exclaimed Haze, with a mischievous glint in her eye.
In the meantime, Goldmine Gummies encourages customers to embrace the unexpected and enjoy the novelty of a THC-free treat. “Consider it a cleanse for your cannabinoid receptors!” quipped Haze, as she handed out samples of their non-psychoactive gummies to a crowd of bewildered but good-humored customers.
So, there you have it, folks! 4/20, 2024 will forever be remembered as the year Goldmine Gummies inadvertently turned the tables on the cannabis community, proving that sometimes, the best pranks are the ones we never see coming – or in this case, the ones that leave us feeling surprisingly sober!
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