Grow Box Growing is Stuff Stoners Like
As the legalization of marijuana spreads across the nation and states fall to it like dominoes each day more cannabis cultivators are coming out of the closet. But that doesn’t mean the every-so-popular grow closet is a thing of the past, man. Enter the day of the grow box—allowing stoners the ability to easily and cost-effectively cultivate their own weed on the sly.
The grow closet of the past has transformed into a state-of-the-art, stealth grow box. Today’s grow cabinet not only resembles a piece of ordinary-looking furniture—anything from a metal filing cabinet to a wooden armoire—they’re fully equipped with the latest technology. Grab a hydroponic grow box from one of the popular manufacturers and you won’t need to dedicate space to a grow closet—you’re wardrobe will thank you. Plus it’ll pay for itself after a few harvests. Your wallet will thank you. Come to think of it—a stealth grow box will probably make a better and more reliable roommate than your old buddy from college.
Grow Boxes? Why?
Sure marijuana grows well under the sun and for a whole hell of a lot cheaper too. But not everybody lives in a marijuana friendly area. So lots of stoners need to keep their growing on the down low. So what better way to grow weed than in a private closet with a locking door, right in plain sight?
You won’t be able to grow as much weed in a grow box as you can under the sun or even in your garage, but a well designed and maintained grow box, say as small as 1′ x 1′ x 3′ can produce plenty of pot to keep you plenty happy—indefinitely if you get the hang of growing. And speaking of growing—it’s the only thing about marijuana that’s really addictive.
Grow Box Buying 101
There are many companies out there that make awesome grow boxes. Some of these grow boxes are rather expensive, but you get what you pay for, right? A good stealth grow box or hydroponic grow box will run you upwards of several thousand dollars.
If you’ve got the cash to throw-down, look for a grow cabinet that won’t be too large for the space you’re trying to fill, obviously. If you’re interested in buying a new grow box try to find one from a well-known company like BC Northern Lights or Grow Box USA because they’ll probably have better customer service and more guarantees than some small company you’ll likely find on ebay or Amazon.

Grow Box Building 101
You can make a grow box yourself. The dude’s from Hail Mary Jane have step-by-step directions on how to transform a chest of drawers into a stealth grow box. They claim that for less than the cost of a half ounce of herb you can produce 5-6 ounces of A-quality bud every 60 days. And they also claim this homemade stealth grow box only uses 300 watts of power—about the same amount as a desktop computer. Here’s another grow box kit from how-to-marijuana. And one more grow box kit from GrowWeedEasy.

Growbox Growing Advice
In a growbox or grow cabinet, you’ll want to focus on growing marijuana strains that are known to do well indoors and stay short and stocky throughout their entire life-cycle. Look for breeds with short flowering times—mostly bushy Indicas over lanky Sativas. Certain autoflowering marijuana strains thrive in a grow boxes. We hear strains such as Lowryder, Moby Dick and Roadrunner are perfect for a stealth grow box operation.
Keep in mind that no matter which strain you decide on growing in your grow cabinet or what sort of growbox you purchase or build—the more love you put into your garden the more love you’ll get back out of it. Good luck.
Have any questions about grow boxes or cultivating cannabis in a grow cabinet? Hit us up and we’ll ask our resident cultivation experts Jay and Tweezy from Uptown Grow Lab.
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4 Responses to “Grow Boxes Are Stuff Stoners Like”
Steve Schneider
Thanks for the knowledge on growing stealth i’m 49 old school know how.
Grow Box Builder has the best in my personal opinion. Tried the cash crop first, what a joke those are .
Hey How are you i want to ask if you have had any dealings with from what ive seen on their site they make custom boxes at a decent price….i need to know if they are really legit.
Grow box is really a good choice for those who wants to grow their own supply of cannabis!