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How to Pass A Drug Test in 24 hours

Drug testing is not SSL

We recently put together two highly definitive guide on how to pass a drug test and another really information packed marijuana detox guide. Why? Because as marijuana legalization spreads across the nation and more people smoke pot and as a result more people will be subject to drug tests. And many of them will have little to no time to prepare.

Sure certain workers within safety-sensitive industries like healthcare, defense, law enforcement and transportation—should be drug tested. Federal law requires it, but most employers aren’t legally obligated to test potential or current employees for drug use—especially marijuana. In fact 40 to 65 percent of today’s employers may perform drug screening or drug testing whether they are required to or not says claims. Why? To cover their ass—by avoiding potential legal liabilities for injuries caused by workers who may be intoxicated on the job. What about professional sports, education and medical care employers why are they drug tested for medical marijuana? To maintain positive public perception, of course. Anyhow random drug testing is unfair, often inaccurate and unproven as a means of stopping drug use. Employers may have the right to expect workers not to be high or drunk on the job. But they shouldn’t have the right to require employees to prove their innocence by taking a drug test.

How to pass a urine drug test in 24 hours

Some people insist that the only way to pass a drug test for weed is to allow enough time for the drug  metabolites in your system to be eliminated. That’s true. However some drugs like marijuana will stay in your system for up to a month. That means most people don’t have time. That’s why there are multiple products on the market that will help you pass a drug test in 24 hours or less. For more detailed information consult our detox guide above. Anyhow real quick, here are our top 3 recommendations:

First we recommend synthetic urine because it’s what labs use to test their equipment. As long as it’s warm you’ll pass your drug test. Many come with heating powder to make it easy.

Second would be fruit pectin. We have many comments on our post about Sure Jell and Certo fruit pectin to prove it.

Third would be Detox Drinks and. We have several comments from actual people saying which brands helped them perform a quick and temporary weed detox so they could pass a drug test.

How to pass a drug test in 24 hours

Because there are few laws protecting privacy in the workplace millions of Americans face a drug test yearly—even though they aren’t suspected of drug use. The drug test of choice? A urine drug test. Here they are links to: How to Pass a Hair Drug Test and another really important and well-researched post titled; Mouth Swab Drug Test —What Is It and How Do You Pass It? You probably don’t need to worry about how to pass a blood drug test because those are super rare because they’re super costly. But if you need to know how to pass a drug test in 24 hours to keep your job or freedom those are the best resources we have availble.

Anyhow random drug testing is unfair, often inaccurate and unproven as a means of stopping drug use. Employers may have the right to expect workers not to be high or drunk on the job. But they shouldn’t have the right to require employees to prove their innocence by taking a drug test.

Have any suggestions, comments or questions on how to pass a drug test in 24 hours or perform a quick THC detox? Please leave them in the section below.

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