Lighter Bro Multi-Tool GIVEAWAY

Lighter broA friend with weed is a friend indeed. But this li’l Lighter Bro multi-tool ain’t a bad little pal to have around either, dude. Check this thing out, it’s kinda like a fuckin’ Swiss army knife for your lighter, dude.

Need to bust up some sticky-ass purp, but you ain’t got no grinder? Lighter Bro’s got spring-loaded scissors, man. Your favorite glass pipe’s all clogged with resin and won’t hit worth shit? No problemo amigo, Lighter Bro’s got you covered with a tiny phillips-head screwdriver, man. What’s that—got a bottle, but no opener? Lighter Bro saves the day with one of those too. Need a tiny, but ridiculously sharp knife to shank a motherfucker because he just ruined the smoke sesh by switching off Pink Floyd and put on some Coldplay? Well you get the point…

If you haven’t figured it out dude, the Lighter Bro is definitely STUFF STONERS LIKE—because now instead of just waving fire in your face when you light a joint or spark a bowl, you can also wave a knife and a pointy screwdriver. This cool li’l tool fits snugly on any color Bic Lighter except the white ones. Fuck the white ones. Anyhow, this thing’s made from the same shit the Terminator was made from so its indestructible. No wait…we’ve just been informed that it’s made from 100% stainless steel (close enough), but features a practically indestructible heat treated hardened key ring. With it you can fasten your Lighter Bro to your keys, or your dog’s collar or your chain wallet or some shit.

And unlike your weed dealer, the nice thing about the Lighter Bro is that it’s there for you whenever you need it…that is if you don’t get too STONED and lose it. That reminds us, has anybody seen our lighter?

Win a Lighter Bro Multi-Tool

All you gotta do is leave a comment below and we’ll pick our fave on Friday, Aug 8 at 4:20 PDT. We’ll also send along some STUFF STONERS LIKE STICKERS maybe even a SHIRT. Now stop procrastinating and get commenting. Oh and…we’ll cover shipping if you live in the US…if you don’t, you’ll have to pay for the shipping yourself, eh. Cool? Cool.


39 Responses to “Lighter Bro Multi-Tool GIVEAWAY”

  1. Brian drawdy

    This looks awesome I need one.

  2. Branden

    This lighter bro has to be one of the greatest fucking invention ever!!

  3. Cody Hensley

    Backwoods stoner from Georgia! Totally could use this while exploring or just getting baked anywhere!

  4. eyesopen

    i always seem to “misplace” my utensils lol
    this will definitely make me not “misplace” anything again

  5. Kyle Super Dude Smith

    I have a Lighterbro and it is awesome. It is made of 420 Stainless Steel! I use the keyring feature with the lanyard and have since stopped losing all my lighters.

  6. JoshZilla

    DUDE! I’ve been thinking someone needs to create something like this. GENIUS! I’m tired of getting resin on the bottom of my lighters from trying to push my herb around when smoking my pipe.

  7. Derek smith


  8. Dexter

    Pick me cause I’m your fave. Cool? Cool.

  9. Hannah

    Dude I fucking need this! I just had brain surgery so I’m all forgetful now and this shit looks like heaven pick me cause I’m hot hahah

  10. Hannah

    Dude I fucking need this! I just had brain surgery so I’m all forgetful now and this shit looks like heaven!! pick me cause I’m hot hahah

  11. Hannah

    Dude I fucking need this! I just had brain surgery so I’m all forgetful now but this would be awesome! Wish I had invented it someone is smart as hell haha but choose me cause I’m hot!

  12. Hannah

    Wow didn’t mean to comment so much oops sorry delete those if ya can

  13. Ronda

    This hot 420 girl needs that hot lighter!!!! 🙂

  14. Chris De Iuliis

    this this is cool could use one to promote you guys on my g+ account.

  15. Russell Wacker

    Hey Bro check this out, I can clean your pipe, trim a bud and light it with this new all-in-one tool. Cool man I gotta have one!

  16. bradofcanada

    Im a new stoner and I like that tool.I would use it alot.

  17. bradofcanada

    Im a new stoner and I like that tool.I would use it alot.I also have friends with money that will buy one after they see mine 🙂

  18. Allen duarte

    I ain’t to proud to beg but just like pussy it probley won’t work so just consider me cub I would love to show that off to my smoke buddies

  19. Jonathan S

    This is the MacGyver of lighters. All in one stoner tool to prep and spark. Well this is stoner certified. Kudos to the makers of just an ideal tool

  20. Karlos Picton

    Best highdea since the night of my conception. #stonerchild

  21. Tom Smith

    Would definitely like one of these beauties. Only pot could help create such a masterpiece. Technology has built up to this lighter, everything else has been unimportant

  22. Nabil

    bro, I’m so bro’d out right now, bro

  23. Jennifer Arellano

    Duuude, I need that lighter Bro, bruhh. Stoner girl here from Los Angeles where we smoke that dank and I would definitely put this tool to work. Please pick me!

  24. antonio rodriquez

    Who was the rocket surgeon that invented the Lighter Bro? (slow clap) You’re a straight brain genius.

  25. alexas

    Omfg this is brilliant

  26. Giovani

    Best tool in the world if I don’t win it one of my kids better get me one for father’s day

  27. Aaron

    All I’d have to do is not lose my keys and this would be perfect

  28. Christopher

    Don’t be a fool- Carry the right tool!


  29. Chestoned

    Hey hey hey hey! Smoke weed every day! This would improve my quality of life by 400%.

  30. Mike

    Love this tool, pick me, pick me

  31. GeneO

    This is fantastic. I think I need it. also I’m in love.

  32. TheLiftedChosenOne

    yo this will come in handy. can you guy’s bless me with a lighter bro? that would be dope

  33. BisFitty

    Shit! Only 4 minutes and 20 seconds to come up with something clever to say here… And Im getting distracted by how mych the capital “o” is looking like a zero! OH NO! ZEROH NZERO! GAAAAAH! Fuck it… Aint winning this one… At least I’ve got WEED! Stay high my soul brother(s)/sister(s), stay high!

  34. greybeard

    AWe My stupid friend stole mine and Im broke

  35. Dylan Levins

    by far the coolest lighter ever and thats coming from someone that collects lighters for shits and giggles haha

  36. BisFitty

    Awesome! My avatar was purple, my favorite color! Wait, did I set that at some point, or was it random? Oh well, fuck it… Dont care… There was that fuckin unwanted zero again, mother fucker is stalking me -.-

  37. Quinton Branham

    I would love that tool it sooo cool hope I win one bro

  38. Alex

    This would be reeeaaalllly usefull, I cant keep a lighter for more then a 3 days…

  39. camper

    Ummm…how do you say “lighter bro” in Swiss.
    clever marketing hype repackages a basic swiss army knife. nice.

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