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Piece Water Will Make You Fall in Love Your Bong or Dab Rig

Piece Water Will Make You Fall in Love Your Bong or Dab Rig


More than few people I know have completely given up on using bongs. For good reason, they are dirty, smelly, hassle to clean, and break easily. However the benefits of smoking out of a bong are numerous.  Not only can they be beautiful and valuable works of art, but also several studies have shown that smoking out of a bong is actually better for you. Passing the smoke through water cools the smoke and filters out any ash that might inadvertently sucked into your lungs. Water also filters fine particulate matter, which is ripe with harmful compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and tar.


Finally a company has gone and created a product removes the hassles of smoking from a bong. Piece Water brilliantly solves every bong issue! Every single one of them! The product Piece Water is 100% all natural. It’s made from water, fruit, mineral, and vegetable extracts. All ingredients are food grade. Much thicker than water, Piece Water is completely odorless, and tasteless.

Instead of wasting a ton of time cleaning your bong, just add Piece Water to a clean bong and smoke as normal. After around 40 bowls you just pour out the old stuff and rinse your bong with warm water. Absolutely No build up on the sides or on the stem. Any bong surface that Piece Water comes into contact with is clear from resin buildup. We’ve been pushing 60 bowls through our Piece Water filled bong and it’s still looking good!


Most surprising for us was the fact that hits seemed markedly smoother. We noticed much less coughing after a big hit.  I believe this is due to the fact that the Piece Water filters out much more of the fine particulate matter than plain tap water.

Less particulate means I can take bigger hits and hold them longer without coughing, leading to a more satisfying experience. We also noticed that the dreaded bong stench normally associated with a dirty bong was greatly reduced with our Piece Water filled bong. This is a bonus benefit that I absolutely love. It was a massive bummer when we ran out and had to go back to regular water for a few days! Luckily Piece Water’s free shipping is USPS Priority Mail, so we had it in just two business days. The company ships out of California.


Piece Water comes in 12oz. bottles, and the best deal is 3 @ $25. You can order here.  Our bong takes about 3oz. and we like to change it once a week, so this lasts us a little over a month. Not bad at all considering all the time we are saving by not having to clean our bong.  Add to the fact we are reducing the number of times and difficulty of cleaning, I’m thinking we are far less likely to loose our baby to slippery hands during the cleaning process.  Glass is slick to handle and over the years I have seen many a beautiful piece die a terrible death during the cleaning process.

Stoner Stuff

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