Do you think you have the best weed in California? Well, if you think you do and you have an extra $250 and 840 prepackaged samples of your shit…you can enter the “Connoisseurs Cup” at the upcoming ultra-commercial Oakland International Cannabis and Hemp Expo 2011 (INTCH), marijuana’s equivalent of the X-Games, that’s rolling into our neighborhood next weekend. Now if you don’t have that spare 250 and 840 dime-bags or if you don’t belong to a collective…well, then you’re shit outta luck.
Judging will be done democratically. And, much like the High Times Cannabis Cup, (which happens annually in Amsterdam–for now as they’re actively banning tourists from smoking weed there), judging will be done by those who ponyied up hella cash, in this case $300, to sample the entries.
Sticky Leaf, the folks responsible for the Cannabis (oops) The Connoisseurs Cup…don’t get your cups confused now, says judges will be sampling “up to” 120 bud strains, “up to” 80 Full Melt and Coldwater Hashes, “up to” 80 cannabis oils and “up to” 40 cannabis waxes. Notice the “up to”in front all the entries…and the absense of “up-to” in front of the $300 cost? Yeah, we did too. (for tickets and more information check out
Wow…that’s a lot of money and numbers and ego and hype…these Expos sure are big business, dude. 100s of vendors, onsite evaluations, 3 stages, 5 city blocks…shit. Anyhow, since this event is literally taking over our neighborhood, we’ll be there and we’ll let’cha know how it goes.
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