Washington Cultivation Laws Could Change
The biggest problem with Washington state’s legalization bill is that it doesn’t include the right to cultivate marijuana. That’s why the Guru of Ganja, Ed Rosenthal, isn’t convinced the state really legalized marijuana. “Don’t let anyone say this is legalization. Nothing is legal except possession of under an ounce of store-bought marijuana,” the long time activist has said.
Possession of 28 grams is legal in Washington, but possession of 29 grams of weed is a crime. Possessing 40 grams or more is considered a felony and so is growing your own weed in your own backyard unless you have a medical marijuana permit, or you’re a commercial grower. However a new bill has been introduced in both the Washington House and Senate that would allow home cultivation. KIRO TV reports:
The bill, as well as a companion bill in the House sponsored by Rep. Brian Blake of Aberdeen would allow adults over 21 and older to grow six marijuana plants for personal use. Growers could also possess up to 8 ounces of useable marijuana, and donate up to one ounce to another adult without compensation. But if people can grow their own pot would it hurt the recreational marijuana industry?
One recreational store owner says no. “I think it would be good for everybody to actually try it themselves and experience themselves,” said Noel Roberts, owner of Mary Mart in Tacoma.
Roberts says home grows wouldn’t hurt his business because growing high-quality marijuana is complicated. “There could actually be up to 20 different nutrients that are added it depends on how you grow it. But to actually get something on the shelves here, it takes a lot of love and a lot of work,” said Roberts.
Legalization should allow adults the right to grow their own marijuana and share it with family and friends just liketomatoes. According to Rosenthal, more tomatoes are grown in America by home gardeners than are produced commercially. Yet there’s a robust commercial market for tomatoes and tomato products of all types—canned, vine-ripened, organic, sauces, soups, ketchups, etc. At the same time, small-scale specialty cultivators do well selling their produce at Farmers’ Markets, and home gardeners with extra tomatoes share the bounty with neighbors as gifts, in trade or through informal sales. Rosenthal thinks legal marijuana could be produced, bought and sold in the very same way.
“Commercial growers can thrive side-by-side with home and specialty cultivators,” he says.
Hopefully this new bill will allow Washington residents to grow their own weed. Do you think all legalization bills should include the right to grow your own weed? Let us know in the comments below…
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