DabQuid Liquid THC Solution
Regularly $24.90

Regularly $24.90
Only $17.43 + FREE GOODY BAG
THC e liquid Solution
This week’s DOPE DEAL is a THC e liquid solution called DabQuid from Green Supplies Online. Now you can transform your weed wax into liquid THC that you can use with your vape pen. If you’re tired of spending your had-earned cash on vape carts and have the ability to make your own concentrates you’ll dig Dabquid— special blend of food grade Propylene Glycols—the same stuff you get in nearly all popular vape pen cartridges. Oh and what the hell, we’ll toss in an exclusive SSL goody bag with each order. CA residents add sales tax. Products will ship once the DopeDeal concludes on Monday, August 15.
DabQuid THC e liquid solution specs:
- Ingredients: A special blend of Propylene Glycols (Food Grade)
- Bottle Size: 30ml
- Eyedropper included
Liquid THC Process
It takes about seven minutes to create a THC liquid that you can then put in your vape pen cart. You’ll need a small pot or pan, a small glass container that can be placed in the pot/pan (shot glass size), and something small to stir with.
Process: Place the small glass container inside of the pot/pan to see how much water can be added without submerging it. Remove the glass container and add water accordingly. Using a medium to medium high heat, place the pot/pan with water on the stove and wait till its close to a boil. While this is heating up, use the eyedropper to extract GSO’s Dabquid and place between 25 to 50 drops into the glass container. Once the water is heated, cautiously place the glass container into the pot/pan filled with water. This will allow the contents of the mix to gradually heat up. From there, add your concentrates and stir frequently for 5 minutes. Adjust the amount of drops used based on the amount of concentrates used. Once the two seem mixed, remove the glass container (caution, it will be hot!) and let it cool. If you did it right, it will remain in a liquid state.
Use the eyedropper to fill your clearomizer tank with your liquid THC. Then Vape On. For a more detailed process on how to make THC vape liquid check out our post, How to Make THC e Liquid.
Make sure to grab a bottle or two of Dabquid and that free SSL goody bag this week. Don’t delay, dude. We only have a limited amount of this stuff so get on that buy button with a quickness.
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2 Responses to “DabQuid Liquid THC Solution Dope Deal”
Hi do you post to New Zealand Auckland , were are you based please .I would like high THC solution to vape
jack ass
#vapenation love weed