Uptown GrowLab and the makers of STUFF STONERS LIKE wanna wish all the STONERS out there a HAPPY DANKSGIVING. Not only is today Danksgiving, it’s also Jimi Hendrix’s birthday (element #65 on the PERIODIC TABLE OF STUFF STONERS LIKE POSTER.) So don’t forget to smoke a jay for Jimi after you stuff your face.
Oh and have a question ’bout growing WEED? Get in touch and get some expert advice from our buds Jay & Uncle Tweezy the authors of UptownGrow Lab Presents—The Kitchen.
To answer all your cultivation questions we’ve teamed-up with experts Jay Kitchen and Uncle Tweezy, authors of The Kitchen presented by Uptowngrowlab
—an oversized, hard-covered, coffee table book that’s 50% grow guide, 50% adventure story and 100% awesome.
Have a grow question? Get in touch, eh?
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