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QCarbo32 Review

Herbal Clean Qcarbo32 does it work to pass a drug test?

Qcarbo32 and it’s ability to help you pass a drug test for marijuana is today’s focus. One of our buds who plays in a band recently faced a urine drug test. Before we could get back to her she Googled GNC detox, because she was near a GNC detox store, and came across Qcarbo32. It had decent reviews so she gave it a try. And luckily it worked! But that’s just one confirmation so far. So if you’ve tried herbal clean Qcarbo32 to pass a piss test let us know in the comments section below. You can score a 32 ounce bottle of Qcarbo32 on Amazon for about 12 bucks, but like you’ll read below we recommend using a synthetic urine like Sub-Solution to pass your urine drug test. Just sayin’.

Pro-Tip—test yourself using a home drug test prior to the big day to see if you’ll pass using QCarbo32 that way you’ll know for sure if it works or not.

Herbal Clean Qcarbo32

From what we understand QCarbo32 works like most detox drinks for THC. It’s doesn’t fully cleanse your body of toxins it works as a fact-acting flush. It doesn’t clean your system but gives you clean urine for a few hours—just enough to pass a urine drug test. Like most detox drinks for THC the ingredients in Qcarbo32 include natural diuretics that encourage you to pee. More peeing means less toxins in your urine, at least for a few hours. QCarbo32 is contains creatine and B-vitamins. The creatine is there to replace the creatine you lose from all that extra peeing. The B-vitamins add some color to your urine. Both low creatine levels and clear piss are signs that people are trying to cheat the drug test by by drinking lots of water or diluting their samples. Anyhow because the ingredients of QCarbo32 are all natural they can’t be detected by a drug test.

Qcarbo32 instructions

Using QCarbo32 is pretty easy. According to the Qcarbo32 bottle all you need to do is: Shake well and drink the entire contents of this bottle at a comfortable pace. So like the ideal time to use detox drinks like QCarbo is about an hour or two hours before your test. QCarbo32 should mask your urine for about five hours—plenty of time to submit your sample. You should also drink a lot of water to encourage peeing and help flush your system. Also make sure to pee a couple of times before your test.

PRO TIP—When you’re giving your sample make sure to capture mid-stream pee. You don’t want to use the first stuff or the last stuff that comes out.

Qcarbo32 Warnings

We did see some crazy warnings about Qcarbo32 on the GNC website that made us wonder about using the stuff. “Warning: Do not use this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have kidney or gallbladder disorder or disease. This product is not recommended for prolonged use. This product is made with botanical herbs. When using this product you may experience nausea, dizziness, diarrhea or cramping. If you start to experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use of product immediately. If symptoms persist seek medical assistance. As with all herbal supplements, this product is not recommended for children without the supervision of a parent or guardian.” That’s why we always recommend using synthetic urine to pass a urine drug test.

Synthetic Urine

Synthetic urine, fake urine, fake piss, fake pee is what sounds like—you might think synthetic urine is gross but unlike real piss it’s toxin free. Plus because it delivers consistent result it’s what drug test labs use to calibrate their equipment. Does synthetic urine work for drug tests? Yep. Synthetic urine works perfectly to pass a ua test. Worried about fake urine being detected as synthetic? Won’t happen if you purchase a quality product like Sub-Solution. It’s by far the best fake pee we’ve come across. What makes it the best synthetic urine out there is that you can use the included heating powder to warm it up in a matter of seconds. Cold pee is a dead giveaway, dude. Plus it comes with a 200% money back guarantee.

Have you tried QCarbo32 to pass a drug test or do you have any qcarbo32 drug test experience you want to share? Let us know in the comments section below…

Stoner Stuff

View Comments

  • I am federally certified to do drug screens. I was told nothing will work. WRONG WRONG WRONG! I passed this with flying colors! I used my medical grade cup from work. I drank the drink, followed by half gallon on water, waiting for it to be in my system, then peed and BAM negative nelly! Doing a little dance right now! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  • Hi so my be used this once after smoking heavily then using it after abstaining for 24 hrs didn't work used it next time after abstaining for 12 days and he passed he took a drug test before the drink and failed barely with a faint line . My bf has like 3% body fat excersizes daily and drinks lots of water ! I say it's like Russian roulette with this product

  • Took carbo32 hour half before. Test. Only pissed twice tho. Tested on my third one. Mid stream. What y'all think? Pass?

  • Must be taken at least 24 hours before your test. I just failed mine after 11 days of taking this product.

  • I haven't smoked in 45 days but did a home test an still dirty..I'm 5"11 240 will this drink help me pass my test

  • I just used this product, and followed every thing it said to do. Went to the bathroom 3 times before going to testing site, filled empty qcarbo bottle up with water after drinking horribly tasting grape stuff... And held my urine for quite a bit after arriving at the testing location, and i just got a call saying my results were DILUTED to much. So i have to retest.... Take this how you want, but just stopping smoking is the better way to pass test... THIS STUFF TASTES HORRIBLE

  • I consumed heavy amounts of several substances that were riddled with toxins roughly ten hours before I had a TASC urinalysis. TASC doesn't mess around. I purchased qcarbo16, followed the instructions exactly (minus detoxing days prior), rolled the dice, and took the test sweating in fear... I PASSED with no sign of these toxins in my urine, twice. I believe that this product is very effective in my opinion.

  • well, a couple years ago I used this product bought from GNC the night before my court-ordered piss test. I was big on adds back then, opiates, weed, whatever I could get my hands on... so stupid back then but I was on probation & had to pass the test or I was going to jail. btw, this was my last screening before my long awaited freedom (3 years). I'm so stupid I smoked weed THE NIGHT BEFORE my test! I woke up, drank this nasty shit, followed directions exactly... 10am, I passed my drug test. WHAT!? honestly I thought I was gonna fail.
    so take my word for it, this product is golden but YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS EXACTLY & don't buy off amazon!

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