CBD Oil 101
What is CBD oil? The simple answer is oil made from CBD or cannabidiol, a cannabinoid like THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the popular ingredient in marijuana that gets users high. Because it’s associated with marijuana we often hear people ask does CBD oil get you high? So to set the record straight, the answer is no cbd oil, cbd vape oil, cbd hemp oil or whatever you want to call it will not get you high. So why would breeders waste their time creating pure CBD oil? Because some patients, including kids, need the healing powers of weed without the euphoria.
When it comes to THC vs CBD cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol are the most abundant cannabinoids found in a marijuana plant or hemp. However pot grown for recreational use typically contains more THC vs CBD. However because of the soaring popularity of high CBD strains and things like CBD vape oil or a CBD tincture for medial use, breeders have been fast at work creating strains with high Cannabidiol levels and virtually no THC at all. Some of these strains include:
- Charlotte’s Web
- Harlequin
- Sour Tsunami
- Cannatonic
You know how pot can make some people sleepy? Studies suggest Cannabidiol acts to promote wakefulness. This could explain why some marijuana strains boost energy while others feel like they zap it. Numerous studies also suggest that CBD acts to reduce the intoxicating effects of THC, such as memory impairment and paranoia. Many other studies suggest it can effectively treat a wide range of conditions from arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, PTSD, antibiotic-resistant infections, epilepsy and other neurological disorders. Cannabidiol has also demonstrated neuroprotective and neurogenic effects as well. And it has anti-cancer properties too—which are under investigation in the United States abroad.

CBD oil effects
A 2011 review published in Current Drug Safety concludes that CBD “does not interfere with several psychomotor and psychological functions.” The authors add that several studies suggest that CBD is “well tolerated and safe” even at high doses.
Interestingly CBD is non-psychoactive because it does not act on the same pathways as THC. These pathways, called CB1 receptors, are highly concentrated in the brain and are responsible for the mind-altering effects of THC.
According to a 2013 review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology studies have revealed that CBD has a litany of medical properties. CBD and products like cdb oil can reduce nausea and vomiting, suppress seizures, help with psychosis, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders as well as combat tumor and cancer cells. CBD also helps users depressions disorders as well. That’s why many people use CBD oil for anxiety.
CBD oil benefits
CBD oil benefits vary from person to person depending on what they’re looking to treat. Users have tried CBD oil and tinctures and salves to treat a whole list of ailments each delivering different benefits from soothing muscles to helping someone get a good night’s rest to putting an end to violent daily seizures. But we can only dedicate this post to a small list of CBD oil effects and CBD oil benefits so we encourage you to read many more testimonials online and do your own research on cdb oil. Better yet try it yourself and let us know how it works for you in the comments section below. Also feel free to give us any cbd oil review on any product from Rick Simpson oil, to run of the mill cbd vape oil, to crazy-flavored CBD syrup and CBD capsules.
Vaping CBD oil
A lot of patients consume CBD oil by eating it, however vaping CBD oil is another option. vaping CBD oil would be a healthier idea than smoking it, you know like smearing some cbd oil on a joint or dribbling cbd oil on a bowl of weed or kief. Because vaping involves no carcinogens obviously vaping cbd oil would be better for the user. If you’re looking to vape some cbd oil just treat it like BHO (butane hash oil) or honey oil. Add it to a vape pen or grab yourself an oil rig and torch. Or maybe one of those new fangled electronic devices.
How to make CBD oil
You could make CBD oil the same way you’d make BHO. Sometimes you’ll hear the process being referred to as blasting. Anyhow butane hash oil is made by placing marijuana (often trimmings) in some type long cylindrical container made from glass or plastic tubing. Once the marijuana is inserted into the tube butane is poured in. The butane strips everything from cannabinoids like THC, CBD and CBG to the molecules responsible for taste and aroma like terpenes, terpenoids, and flavonoids from the marijuana plant. That butane containing all those cannabinoids is then drained from the container and allowed to evaporate. Sometimes heat and vacuum pressure is used to expedite the process. To create pure CBD oil yourself, that is cbd oil without any THC in it, you’d have to start with material that didn’t have any THC in it in the first place. We’re talking high CBD weed strains. However most CBD oil on the market isn’t made from marijuana plants anyhow so that’s why you see cbd oil for sale everywhere or keep getting spam to buy cbd oil online. We get to the key differences between cbd oil and cbd hemp oil below and which type of cbd oil legal in all 50 states and like 30 countries or something.
Is CBD oil legal?
is CBD oil legal? That’s sort of a trick question, man. It all really depends on what product is used to make it. CBD hemp oil products are available for purchase online and can be delivered straight to your door in all 50 states and across 40 countries around the world. CBD oil derived from marijuana can only be purchased with a doctor’s recommendation for medical marijuana so it’s important to understand the differences between CBD oil derived from cannabis plants and CBD hemp oil derived from help plants. CBD hemp oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). So the stuff that’s legal is derived from hemp.
Hemp CBD oil products available
There are many CBD oil products available online for purchase in all 50 states. They range from pure CBD oils that could have up to 100mg or more per serving that you would just eat raw—think Rick Simpson Oil aka RSO.
For something that tastes better or less potent patients can use CBD tinctures. CBD tinctures are CBD oil products that are in a liquid form rather than an oil which typically takes on the texture of a paste or gel. CBD tinctures are made by diluting pure hemp CBD oil into an alcohol or other natural oil base. CBD liquids like these come in droppers or sprays and can deliver a smaller amount of CBD per serving from 1-20 mg each. CBD oil capsules are available for people who dig taking vitamins and typically deliver about 25 mg of CBD or more.
Not all CBD oil products are eaten. Lots of people can benefit by applying CBD oil topicals like CBD salves and CBD balms that can be applied to troubled skin areas or worked into sore joints or muscles.
Have you ever tried CBD oil or CBD hemp oil? What did you think of it? Have a cbd oil review you’d like to share or tips on vaping CBD oil v eating it? Let us know in the comments section below.
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One Response to “What is CBD Oil?”
Danilo Zanetti
I recently tried a UK CBD oil that was a mixture of different cannabis strains, with 8% CBD. It was mixed with olive oil to thin it down, which I don’t mind because it makes the product a lot easier to ingest and prevents the CBD oil from crystallising. I would highly recommend trying the cocktail style CBD mixes, they are great! It was marketed as an ‘entourage oil’ and I can safely say it lived up to it. I discovered it by chance after reading some articles on the Entourage Effect, notably here: https://www.lovecbd.org/entourage-effect/