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Isn’t it BEAUTIFUL? A LOT of hard work went into getting the LEGALIZATION of MARIJUANA on this ballot. AND THAT SHOULD BE CELEBRATED!!! Either way, people…if you’re for LEGALIZING MARIJUANA for recreational use…or against LEGALIZING MARIJUANA for recreational use…it’s a beautiful sight to see the question on a ballot here in CALIFORNIA (the STATE of WEED) in 2010!

Why not leave us a passionate comment and let us know EXACTLY how you feel about PROPOSITION 19? Should the state of California Legalize, Tax and Regulate Marijuana? This isn’t a vote to take lightly, man. Tell us how you feel.

AS BORN AND BRED STONERS IN OAKLAND…We’ve been in the THICK OF this SHIT since the BEGINNING! Many times we’ve spoken to Richard Lee, founder of Oaklsterdam University and owner of Coffee Shop Blue Sky, who funded this proposition. We’ve heard from DRAGONFLY De La Luz (from Cannabis Culture Mag, West Coast Cannabis, etc)…an outspoken and celebrated marijuana activist who has some points against the proposition. And, we’ve got comments all over this blog from several STONERS who are all for Prop 19 and many who are against it . But, have we heard from YOU? This historic vote will impact our nation and everyone in it…with repercussions worldwide! Even if you don’t live in the STATE of WEED CALIFORNIA…now is your chance to be heard, worldwide on STUFF STONERS LIKE…and why not…it seems like the world wants to know what us STONERS think, right? Let’s make it easy for ’em. Tell US TELL the WORLD how you feel…about the LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA!

Don’t miss out. NOW IS THE TIME to stand up and be heard…and since STUFF STONERS LIKE are located in the cultural hub known as OAKSTERDAM in OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA…the birthplace of Proposition 19 and the very epicenter of the modern LEGALIZATION MOVEMENT…THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORD IS WATCHING US!


And, who knows…you might even influence our VOTE!

Oh and yes…yes, we did spray-paint that pot leaf blue. Why? We’ll because we used it as a stencil…on an envelope…that was filled with FREE STUFF STONERS LIKE STICKERS. Want one?


View Comments

  • I feel its what we need to help the economy and be safer to those who
    have or like to indulge in smoking.Its about time we looked into things cannabis can do for other thing

  • Wish I lived on the golden coast so I could cast my vote and make my opinion count!!! All you Californians need to vote next month! California legalizing is the first step to getting it legalized for everyone else! FEDERAL legalization is the REAL goal here, don't forget that!

  • I am so excited to vote YES on prop 19. It's a culmination of so many efforts and gives hope to the state of California that we love, that we might have a future economy that could support all of us. I know some stoners don't like the proposition, but I feel that no big step will be perfect, and that by passing prop 19 we are opening our doors to appeals and further clarifications until we have established the perfect system for our state. I'm proud to be Californian just about always, but by passing prop 19 finally I'll feel proud OF California. I CAN'T WAIT TO CELEBRATE!

  • It's an easy vote yes,not even if you do it,but if you at all care about privacy and an adults right to ingest whatever they want recreationally. And for growers and dealers who vote No? Stop being selfish.

    The vote's on all you people in Cali. Vote yes,show the rest of us how to do it,and maybe it'll be legal for all of us someday.

    Just don't fuck it up.

  • The important thing to remember here is there are sooo many angles that people can use to get behind this. Cannabis will open so many new market opportunities, not all of which are recreational. Biofuels, treeless archive quality paper, fibers stronger than cotton for clothes, cellophane, biodegradable plastics, oil from seeds w/ essential amino acids (that don’t get you high). Legalization of cannabis will separate hard and soft drug markets effectively eliminating the gateway effect (caused by prohibition, not cannabis itself). Crime will decrease (people aren’t getting too high and beating their kids and wife like on alcohol), and kids will have a harder time getting a hold of it (study after study says regulated drugs like alcohol and nicotine are harder to get than illegal ones). Prop 19 doesn't condone, promote or vouch for the safety of cannabis. It’s not about a right to get high; it simply says it shouldn’t be a crime and that you can’t send people to prison for using a plant that in 10,000 years of known use hasn't killed a single human being!! We need to teach people the truth on our own were not going to get any help on this one. Pharmaceuticals, loggers, the cotton industry, alcohol and tobacco companies fear competition, law enforcement and corrections fear budget cuts, politicians fear appearing soft on "crime", and the people who have moral objections either can’t be convinced or don’t want the egg on their face when the "stoners win". The key here is to use logical, rational, intelligent arguments. As for federal law, a quick recap from any high school government class and our 10th amendment right say state law trumps federal law (as long as it doesn't conflict with the constitution (supremacy clause)) There is not constitutional ban on cannabis and even the basterdized interpretation of the commerce clause, used by the DEA against medical dispensaries, cannot prevent the people of California from intrastate cultivation, sale and use. Be strong!! We can win this, and hopefully others will follow, the truth will set us free!!!

  • NO!!! Legalizing would be straight stupid because the next step would be the government taking it over and taxing the crap out of it. And they would add chemical which would give you cancer just like cigarettes do. Bottom line is for them to make more money off Americans. And you need to realize the simple fact that if California legalizes it, the federal government will sue California because it is federally illegal and for that reason very reason, California will not be able to tax it. California is broke enough and does not need to be sued. Smarten up people!

  • first of all mr 700, tobacco is just as deadly without the additives, the tar in tobacco leave is incredibly carcinginic and nicotine it self is toxic and incredibly leathal. People are going to jail for smoking pot!! ill gladly pay a sin tax, just like I do on cigarettes and alcohol (or grow my own!) id rather pay taxes than risk legal stigma any day!

  • First off I want to say sorry to kevin Geidel for plagiarizing his post. Sorry man but it was so good I thought it should get posted twice. Yes everything he said times TWO. The government is extremely hypocritical when it comes to marijuana. And the biggest reason they don't want prop 19 passed is it will lead to other states doing the same which they are constitutionally entitled to, And also it will cut into their stock portfolios not to mention make them look stupid for all the money we have spent making a plant illegal, when we cant even keep it and the real drugs out of prisons. Vote yes whether you smoke or not. Whether you agree or not you will be protecting your states rights and your rights to be free in this country where democracy is more of a dream than an actuality. Don't get me wrong I love America but I think some of the things we have done to it would make our founding fathers sick. Oh yea most of them used marijuana in one way or another now read kevin Geidel's post again so I dont have to continue typing to pass on some very good information.

    The important thing to remember here is there are sooo many angles that people can use to get behind this. Cannabis will open so many new market opportunities, not all of which are recreational. Biofuels, treeless archive quality paper, fibers stronger than cotton for clothes, cellophane, biodegradable plastics, oil from seeds w/ essential amino acids (that don’t get you high). Legalization of cannabis will separate hard and soft drug markets effectively eliminating the gateway effect (caused by prohibition, not cannabis itself). Crime will decrease (people aren’t getting too high and beating their kids and wife like on alcohol), and kids will have a harder time getting a hold of it (study after study says regulated drugs like alcohol and nicotine are harder to get than illegal ones). Prop 19 doesn’t condone, promote or vouch for the safety of cannabis. It’s not about a right to get high; it simply says it shouldn’t be a crime and that you can’t send people to prison for using a plant that in 10,000 years of known use hasn’t killed a single human being!! We need to teach people the truth on our own were not going to get any help on this one. Pharmaceuticals, loggers, the cotton industry, alcohol and tobacco companies fear competition, law enforcement and corrections fear budget cuts, politicians fear appearing soft on “crime”, and the people who have moral objections either can’t be convinced or don’t want the egg on their face when the “stoners win”. The key here is to use logical, rational, intelligent arguments. As for federal law, a quick recap from any high school government class and our 10th amendment right say state law trumps federal law (as long as it doesn’t conflict with the constitution (supremacy clause)) There is not constitutional ban on cannabis and even the basterdized interpretation of the commerce clause, used by the DEA against medical dispensaries, cannot prevent the people of California from intrastate cultivation, sale and use. Be strong!! We can win this, and hopefully others will follow, the truth will set us free!!!

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