Why MLK is Important to the Marijuana Movement

Stuff Stoners Like takes activism seriously. Sure, we’re a bunch of stoners and we LOVE to smoke weed, but that doesn’t mean we’re ignorant. In fact, we’re students of history. And, we think in order to effectively fight the war … Continued

BREAKING NEWS–CA Bomb Squad Detonate a Bong

Wow…this War on Drugs stuff is starting to get really serious! So serious, in fact, that Richmond California brought out the bong bomb eradication squad last night…and actually exploded a bong! That poor defenseless bong never stood a chance! Apparently, … Continued

Stoners Don’t Like the Keytar

There’s absolutely no way to NOT look like an asshole while playing a keytar. What the fuck is a keytar you ask? Well we’ll tell ya…it’s an instrument that’ll make you look like an asshole just by looking at it. … Continued

MarijuanaBlogues #2

It’s surreal, thought Sayten, to just hop in the car with a bit of cash in his pocket and drive a few blocks to a cannabis dispensary. It’s Good Friday, he thought and then chuckled when he corrected himself…Good Weed … Continued

MarijuanaBlogues #1

Damn, Sayten thought to himself. Feeling crushed, he tossed his precious ipodphone on the bed, letting out a sigh. His last few texts for weed going unnoticed by Jowi. Ever since the day behind San Francisco’s Warfield theater when Pantera’s … Continued