If you can roll killer joints we’ll sponsor ’em…
Can you roll kick-ass joints? Like in the dimly lit backseat of a car on the way to Taco Bell late at night? Like tightly-rolled joints that not only smoke killer, but stoners can’t even find the seam on ’em. Are you like a joint-rolling ninja? Get all Martha Stewart and shit with joints? Or maybe you’re the Bobby Flay of joint-rolling? You’ll throw-down with any stoner and come out victorious. Like if rolling a cross-joint with your eyes-closed is no big thang—STUFF STONERS LIKE.com wants to sponsor you.
Maybe your jam is making crazy shaped joints? You twist joints into planes and scorpions and shit. Maybe you use roaches to create joint art? If you got something going on with joints or rolling papers get at us, man. Maybe you’re just an average stoner who loves joints. And you take pride in rolling ’em. Maybe you can tell some good stoner stories while rolling joints on cam? If so we really want to find you and hook you up.

Why are we seeking a smokesperson? We wanna share the wealth, man. One love. We’re stocked with the dopest 100% hemp rolling papers that are made by stoners for stoners and want to get the word out about ’em. Plus we’re proud to announce that we’ve partnered with WeedMaps and Marijuana.com to launch our signature STUFF STONERS LIKE rolling papers in their new store. It’s about time someone made a paper specifically for smoking pot, right? And how cool is it that two massive brands support ’em?
For a limited time our rolling papers are available. You can buy individual packs or in bulk. Looking for wholesale prices? Come at us, bro? (stuff at stuffstonerslike.com)
Anyhow instead of paying some ad agency filled with assholes to help us market our new signature skins we’ll keep shit grass-roots and support the stoners who support us. And that starts with hooking-up some deserving stoner with skins and the opportunity to promote their skills while promoting our papers. A win-win for us both.
What are we looking for exactly? Someone who can obviously roll joints, but someone who also digs taking pics, likes being on camera and knows their way around social media. You know, a real brand ambassador. If you’ve already got some well-established accounts that works in your favor, man. But most importantly we want to find someone who really wants the gig. If you think you can cut it we’ll keep you stocked with papers throughout all of 2016 and in return you’ll send us some social media content using SSL rolling papers for us to share a couple times a week and we’ll consistently put it out there. We’ve got more than 175,000 Twitter followers alone, dude.
Anyhow STUFF STONERS LIKE rolling papers are additive-free, unbleached, organic and available in 1-1/4 and King Size. They’re made from pure, slow-burning hemp that’s so thin you can see right through ‘em. They’re not too slick to roll and because they’re made with an all-natural gum they don’t come unstuck even during the most hardcore joint sesh. Drop ’em and they won’t shatter into a million pieces like glass and they’ll never need batteries. Bonus? Wipe off your dabber with one of our papers then roll a joint with it—you’re welcome.

Think you got what it takes to be our joint smokesperson or know someone that does? Cool. Here’s how selection’s going down:
- 1st you’re going to send us a pic of your best rolled-joint. Post a pic on our FB page, Tweet it to us or tag us on IG. Make sure to tag it with #J-SMOKESPERSON. Don’t Tweet, FB, or IG? Send that shit in an email, dude. stuff(at)stuffstonerslike.com and put “JOINT CONTEST ENTRY” in the subject line. But we’re really looking for someone hella social—gotta be honest.
- Next make sure to leave a comment at the bottom of this page highlighting why you think you’d be good for the gig—just a sentence or two. We’re going to keep track of everything on this page and announce the winner here as well so keep an eye out for announcements.
- On Friday November 20th we’ll contact our favorites, hopefully we’ll get a ton of pics to choose from, and those people will make it to the final round.
- Final round—we’ll mail you a pack of SSL papers and you’ll send us a 2 minute-or-less “how-to-roll a joint” video using ’em by December 11th.
- We’ll upload those videos to our YouTube channel and post them here. Then we’ll choose the best fit. Of course we’ll definitely consider our audience immensely so make sure to leave comments about your favorites.
We’ll decide who wins on December 18th. Make sure to see *restrictions below. We’ll post the winner here and contact them before the new year. Their sponsorship will begin January 1st, 2016 and then together we’ll take over the world.

Good luck. Look for social media blasts about this campaign and keep and eye on this page for updates. Remember to follow the steps above to enter and pay attention to the restrictions below. Wha? Restrictions? Well, weed ain’t legal erywhere for everybody yet and so we don’t want to get anyone in any trouble. But we feel that campaigns like this one will help normalize and promote the legalization of marijuana. And once that happens hopefully we can hook stoners up with sponsorships in several other states.
For a limited time our rolling papers are available at our in our rolling papers store. You can buy individual packs or buy ’em in bulk. Looking for wholesale prices? Come at us, bro? (stuff at stuffstonerslike.com)
*Restrictions: You must be at least 18 years old and live in a legal marijuana state or have a valid medical marijuana recommendation. You must send us two to three social media submissions a week using our papers, with our pack visible to continue scoring your papers. That could be tagging us in a tweet with a pic, emailing us a video for our YouTube channel, etc. Being open to appearing on our behalf at events (we’ll sponsor you of course) and being ready for a joint-throwdown are big pluses.
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Randy Barton
Roll joints everyday! Let me in on this shit haha
I am the neo of joint rolling. #J-SMOKESPERSON
Is there a winner yet!?