What’s the best detox for THC a drink or a pill? Not surprisingly they both claim to do the same thing—help you rid your body of THC so you can pass a drug test for marijuana. Because why should you let you dream job get in the get in the way of some lame drug test, right? Wait that came out wrong.
Anyhow we decided to take a look at the differences between the two most popular quick THC detox methods—using detox pills or one of those detox drinks for THC and list out the pros and cons of each one. So if you’re looking to find the best detox for THC it’s going to incorporate one of these methods below.
What is detoxing?
Detoxing is the process of eliminating toxins from your body. And that toxin is called marijuana. Actually what you’re looking to eliminate are the metabolites formed when you eat or smoke weed. This stuff builds up in your fat cells. Now you’re probably aware that marijuana stays in your system longer than any other drug, right? In some cases if you’re a heavy user like someone who smokes weed everyday you would be failing weed drug tests for at least a month or more. We’ve heard of some major stoner who’ve had weed in their system for three months after they smoked weed.
Why does weed stay in your system so long? well that’s because losing weight is difficult, man. If you’ve ever tried losing weight you know this. So you’ve actually got to burn fat to effectively get rid of all that marijuana in your body.
How to detox THC
If you’re looking to eliminate weed from your body exercise will help. First off you’ve got to stop smoking weed of course but you could expedite the weed detox by exercising. The faster you can sweat and burn fat the faster you can move that THC through your system. Nobody said the best detox for THC was going to be easy. Nor did they say it’d come in the form of a pill or one of those THC detox drinks. Oh wait. We did say that. We’ll get to that stuff, but first consider this background information. We’ll tell you when it’s time to break out the detox pills and drinks.
You might want to go the natural route and eliminate toxins without pills and drinks and stuff. By no means is this the fastest way to detox thc but it’s the healthiest. Plus you can boost the effectiveness of detox drinks or pills and the like by also avoiding fatty foods while you detox from thc. Skip the ice cream and the hamburgers and fries—why would you want this stuff you’re not smoking weed and getting the munchies anyhow, right?
Grab foods that are high in fiber. You know—foods that’ll scrub the toxins right out of your body. We’re looking at your fruits and vegetables and whole grains. You’ll also want to drink plenty of fluids including cranberry juice and things like Palo Azul tea to help boost your weed detox routine.
Be on the lookout for some common unpleasant detox symptoms that may include irritability, headaches, depression, anxiety, decreased appetite, and insomnia—you know the things that you smoke weed to avoid. Of course these are the same symptoms that go along with having to take a drug test to get a job in the first place. Actually these are the same symptoms that go along with having a job but we digress. What were we talking about? best detox for THC oh ya.
Detox drink pros
You can grab a detox drink chug it and be ready to pass a test in as fast as minutes and continue to pass for up to eight ours. Of course you’ll want to follow the directions. Many people fail drug tests because they don’t follow directions or they do something stupid like leave product packaging like a box for synthetic urine behind in the test lab. We told a newspaper in Kansas City about this recently.
Make sure to check out to the comments from our readers. Other stoners will tell you what’s worked for them and what hasn’t worked so go ahead and check that out.
Detox pill pros
Like a drink you can also grab a super fast-acting pills that will rid your body of those pesky marijuana metabolites by taking a pill like a same day cleanse. A pill like this will work in about an hour and half and flush your body of all not only weed metabolites but all unwanted toxins. And it’ll last for up to 6 hours.
We recommend Green Gone. According to them they’ll help you pass a marijuana drug test naturally and were not only designed by pharmacists, but actually recommended by them too.
Word of advice
Grab a 5 panel test kit from Amazon and test yourself to see if you’ll pass or fail your urine test. Also use your test to see if you’re detox pill or drink works. If you have the time why not? Wouldn’t you like to walk into Laborp or whatever and have the confidence knowing you’re going to nail it? Just having that extra boost of confidence could really help you perform under pressure. Why not increase your odds and take every advantage eh?
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One Response to “Best Detox for THC: Drink v Pill Which Is More Effective to Pass a Drug Test”
Green Gone Detox. Best thing out there period.