Drug Testing Halloween Candy

Drug Testing Halloween CandyWhat’s the best way to determine if your kid’s Halloween candy’s got WEED in it? Eat it all yourself. Or pick up this newfangled $15 home THC testing kit invented by some enterprising new Colorado company looking to cash in on fear.

Why is this even an issue? CBS Denver reports that the news comes on the heels of a local hospital and police department warning parents that edible marijuana products — which are now legal in Colorado — can easily be mistaken for Halloween candy.

“They need to look at every single piece of candy,” said Jill Boyle, the emergency room director at St. Anthony’s Summit Medical Center, told reporter Brian Maass. The hospital recently launched an informational campaign urging parents to be “edible aware.”

Drug Testing Halloween CandyA CBS Denver caught up with Derek LeBahn from CB Scientific who makes the drug test. The THC detection test kit provides three tests for the $15 price and come in a CBD and THC version. CBD or Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of at least 85 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis, it doesn’t result in a high like THC. Why test for this? Who knows. Anyhow LeBahn demonstrated the product to the station: He first selected a cookie, taking a pinch, and putting it in a test tube. He then added some solution and dye and shook the product. LeBahn explained the more red the solution becomes, the more potent the edible. Within seconds he could see that the cookie was negative for marijuana.

But the second cookie he tried was a different story. “See it turn pink? Definitely a positive for THC.” Then he tried testing a piece of chocolate. “Definitely positive for THC as it begins to turn pink,” he said.

Drug Testing Halloween CandySince marijuana is now readily available weed-hatin’ health officials in CO recently proposed a ban on many edible forms of marijuana, including brownies, cookies and most candies, limiting legal sales of pot-infused food to lozenges and some liquids.

“Edibles have a large amount of THC in them,” Boyle said, referring to the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. “We don’t want our children getting a hold of that and being critically ill.”

Critically ill? Weed’s not killed anyone. In fact last year the US Department Of Health And Human Services think it’s so safe they patented the use of “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.” Anyhow, if you don’t trust your neighbors and don’t want your kids exposed to antioxidants or neuroprotectants you can buy this $15 kit and test all your kid’s candy for ’em. Or you can put that money towards buying a ton of candy for half price the day after Halloween.

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