False Positive Drug Test Blues
False positive drug test results are definitely stuff stoners don’t like. Think that it doesn’t happen, dude? False positive drug test results occur more than you think. In fact a false positive drug test occurs roughly 5 to 10 percent of cases, reports webMD. And the opposite of a false positive drug test outcome, what’s know as a false negative, occurs in about 10 to 15 percent of cases. For a cheap otc drug test (aka over the counter drug tests) those numbers are probably even higher. And that’s fucked up, right?
What is a false positive?
Some of you might actually be wondering what is a false positive. Of course you could always Google, “what is a false positive” but no need—we’ll define false positive for ya. Basically a false positive drug test incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present. For instance failing a drug test for weed when you’ve never smoked pot in your life. It happens, man. And like we pointed out above—fairly regularly—up to 15% of the time.
Can poppy seeds make you fail a drug test?
You’ve heard of the poppy seed drug test myth, right? What’s the poppy seeds drug test myth, you ask? The myths states that if you eat poppy seeds you’ll get score a false positive drug test. Is it true? Can poppy seeds make you fail a drug test? Yep. Basically you’ll get a positive test for opiates by eating as little as a teaspoon of poppy seeds. Eating less than the amount on a poppy seed bagel can result in a failed drug test for opioid abuse, says Dwight Smith, MD, of the VA Medical Center in Black Hills, S.D. Plus false positive drug test can occur for up to two or three days after eating that bagel. If that’s not enough when it comes poppy seeds and drug tests only about 50% of doctors are aware of the problem.
what can cause a false positive drug test?
Cold medications, the antidepressant Wellbutrin, and tricyclic antidepressants can trigger false-positive results on tests for amphetamines according to Dwight Smith and colleagues at Boston Medical Center who reviewed scientific articles on drug screening published between January 1980 and September 2009 and presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting. The review also noted that the antidepressant Zoloft and the painkiller Daypro can lead to a failed drug test for benzodiazepine. Plus quinolone antibiotic drugs can trigger positive drug test results for opioids. And the HIV medication Sustiva can show a false positive for thc, Smith says.Can you fail a drug test from second hand smoke
Now that you’ve heard about Sustiva, we’re sure you’re wondering, Can You Fail a Drug Test From Second Hand Smoke? According to Smith, “just being in the room with someone who is smoking marijuana is not going to trigger false positive results, no matter what your child claims, unless [they] were in the van with Cheech and Chong, that’s not what happened. However you can get a contact high from being around people smoking weed. According to a June 2015 study called Non-smoker exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke II, “Under extreme, unventilated conditions, secondhand cannabis smoke exposure can produce detectable levels of THC in blood and urine, minor physiological and subjective drug effects, and minor impairment on a task requiring psychomotor ability and working memory.”
No fed guidelines to failing a drug test
Another problem Smith points out is that there are no federal guidelines setting threshold levels for positive results. That means there is no fed oversight when it comes to a false positive drug test destroying your livelihood.
False positive for cocaine
“Cocaine is cocaine — you don’t get many false positives or false negatives,” says Petros Levounis, MD, director of the Addiction Institute of New York at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospital in New York City.
Positive drug test for Oxy
Most standard drug tests have a substantial false-negative rate for oxycodone an opioid drug that’s been associated with high levels of abuse. In some cases, a person could be taking oxycodone and the routine drug screen may miss it and report as negative. One study in the review showed that 88% of doctors didn’t know that they may need to order a special test to accurately screen for oxycodone. Other opioids missed by standard tests? Methadone, fentanyl, Ultram, Subutex and Suboxone, Smith says. Likewise, standard tests may miss some sedative and hypnotic drugs.
If you need a product to help you pass your drug test for weed, we always recommend Green Gone Detox. It’s an all-natural permanent THC cleanse unlike THC detox drinks which are typically “masking” agents—meaning they don’t physically pull THC metabolites out of your system permanently. Instead they decrease the concentration of metabolites found in your urine for a brief period through dilution.
Sometimes the dilution method is enough to work. But if you’re a heavy user don’t count on it. A permanent THC detox is what you need. It’s really the only way to increase your body’s output and elimination of the THC metabolites that’ll cause you to fail.

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