Have a Growing Question? Ask Mel Thomas

STUFF STONERS LIKE have teamed-up with expert herb grower, Mel Thomas, author of Cannabis Cultivation: A Complete Grower’s Guide, 3rd Edition, published by Green Candy Press and available at all headshops, bookstores and on Amazon. Mel is a world-renowned cannabis cultivator and at one time was the largest producer of marijuana in the UK. Plus he’s the only grower we know who has a quote from the DEA on his book cover:

“There is no way we would ever give you a quote for the cover of your book,” – DEA. Washington DC Division.

Cannabis Cultivation A Complete Growers GuideHow can you not LOVE this dude!?

Anyhow, Mel is down to answer your questions about growing weed. Got a mite problem, leaves turning brown, have no clue what ph is or can’t tell the difference between male of female marijuana plants (female marijuana plants don’t have Adam’s apples)…well, then you’re in luck!

So if you or your plants are just dying to know something drop us a question at stuffstonerslike [at] yahoo.com and put “Ask Mel” in the subject line. Check out his Facebook page: facebook.com/CompleteGrowGuide or his website: melthomas.info


One Response to “Have a Growing Question? Ask Mel Thomas”

  1. Bud Green

    This is amazing!!!!

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