New High CBD Marijuana Strain Smokes High Times Strongest Strains on Earth

High CBD marijuana strainsOur friends over at the Yerba Buena farms in Hillsboro, Oregon got in touch recently. They told us about a new high CBD marijuana strain that has clocked in with the highest amount of CBD yet to be recorded. We’re talking a whopping 22.5% CBD. This is more than 2% higher that High Times latest high cbd marijuana strain with only 20.8% CBD.

Our new high CBD marijuana strain called “Corazon” (Spanish for “Heart”) has been released, reads their press release. “This new strain is a cross between Charlotte’s Web and AC/DC. Testing at 22.5% CBD and 2.71% THC by Pixis Labs under Oregon’s ORELAP-certified testing regulations, our Corazon has the highest recorded CBD content in history. As noted in the High Times article The Strongest Strains on Earth 2016, the highest recorded CBD test before Corazon was 20.8%.

“We are excited for the opportunity to create new genetic cultivar variations for a new emerging market. The future is bright,” says Casey Rivero, Cultivation Manager at Yerba Buena

Along with Corazon, Yerba Buena is releasing another rare high-CBD strain called Blue Dragon Desert Frost (BDDF). This strain tested at 17.6% CBD and 0.6% THC. A single seed of BDDF was gifted to us by a patient when we were still growing for the medicinal market. We germinated that seed and as luck would have it, found it was female and an incredible phenotype. We immediately set about working it into our high-CBD catalogue.

Years of in-house research and development have made it possible for Yerba Buena to be one of the first recreational producers to cultivate high-CBD strains specifically for patients and those seeking less of a psychoactive effect. The first release of Corazon and Blue Dragon Desert Frost will be available exclusively at Oregon’s Finest, Farma, and Serra in Portland, Oregon.

3 Responses to “New High CBD Marijuana Strain Smokes High Times Strongest Strains on Earth”

  1. Roo

    Frank’s gift tested at 24.6 cbd and 9 thc. Test results all over the web. Just saying.

  2. Roo

    Frank’s gift tested at 24.6 cbd and 9 thc. Test results all over the web. Just saying. Would you still back this article if I gave you the tests?

  3. Cannababe

    Was that testing under the new ORELAP testing? The new testing regulations seem to be testing lower across the board. Either way, it’s all good medicine. It’s not a pissing contest. It’s good to see rec growers are still growing CBD cannabis. Frank’s Gift is an incredible strain and may just be the highest testing CBD strain there is. Get it tested under the new regs and let the world know!

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