Marijuana’s the Safest Recreational Drug
Marijuana may be as much as 114 times safer than booze, reveals a new report by the journal Scientific Reports. Among discovering that weed is far safer than other recreational drugs the study also maintains that past research into alcohol has systematically underestimated the risks associated with its use.
In fact marijuana was the only drug in the study, which looked to quantify the risk of death associated with the use of common recreational drugs, that had a low mortality risk for users. Researchers found that booze was the deadliest substance. The next on the list of lethal recreational drugs? Heroin and cocaine.
And get this, “The risk of cannabis may have been overestimated in the past,” wrote Dirk W. Lachenmeier and Jurgen Rehm the two researchers involved with the study. “In contrast, the risk of alcohol may have been commonly underestimated.”
Instead of focusing on death counts like many previous research projects these two researchers determined lethal dose levels and gauged the amounts that people are known to use. Using this method they discovered that booze posed the greatest risk to its users when comparing a fatal dose to typical recreational use.
Apparently this is not the first study to show that weed is significantly safer than other recreational drugs. A 2003 report by the School of Behavioral and Organizational Science at Claremont Graduate University found similar results.
What’s awesome is that this study couldn’t come at a better time—Alternet points out that just a week ago police in Colorado reported that recreational marijuana use has caused no notable impact on health and crime. Denver rates for impaired driving, property crime and violent crime have all dropped as well. And drug use among minors is also down. Hell yeah.
A spokesperson for the Denver Police told CBC World News that there “hasn’t been much of a change of anything,” and that “officers aren’t seeing much of a change in how they do police work…the sky isn’t falling.”
Here’s the bottom line for all you marijuana haters our there—after a year of legal marijuana the only notable change to Colorado is that thousands of jobs were created in the marijuana industry.
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