
Niacin Drug Test Method Explained

How to pass a drug test with niacin pills

Does the Niacin Drug Test Method actually work? We get to the bottom of that and more about passing a drug test with niacin pills…

The niacin drug test method has been around for years. It’s now the stuff of legend. So in this article we’re going to answer two very important questions about it; what is niacin and how does niacin help pass a drug test? But before we begin let’s first talk answer what’s really on your mind. Does niacin help pass a drug test? The answer is yes. Passing a drug test with niacin works. But you’ll need at least two to three days before the drug test to perform a niacin detox. And niacin will only help you beat a drug test on urine. Niacin ain’t going to help you with a mouth swab drug test or a hair drug test, man.

PRO TIP—Use synthetic urine to pass your drug test. We recommend Sub-Solution.

What happens if you only have a day before your drug test? Here’s how to pass a drug test in a day get some synthetic urine. Synthetic urine, aka fake pee, fake urine, fake piss is exactly what it sounds like. You might think synthetic urine is gross but real pee is what’s gross. Fake pee, not as much because it’s toxin free. Plus because it delivers consistent result it’s what drug test labs use to calibrate their drug testing equipment.Worried about fake urine being detected as synthetic? Won’t happen if you purchase a quality product like Sub-Solution. It’s undetectable and by far the best fake pee we’ve come across. What makes it the best synthetic urine is that you can use the included chemical heating powder to warm it up in a matter of seconds. The temp is usually the only thing that tips drug testers off to fake pee. Real pee comes out of your body warm. Anyhow this stuff comes with a 200% money back guarantee so you know it’s gotta be some real good fake piss, right?. Check out our page on using fake pee to get an idea of what to expect at a ua test, tips on smuggling fake piss and our best synthetic urine reviews. Okay back to what does niacin do to help with passing a drug test.

RELATED: How to Pass a Drug Test for Marijuana
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Niacin is found naturally in many foods

What is niacin?

What is niacin? Well it’s simply vitamin B3. In fact niacin is one of 8 B vitamins. It’s found in every B-complex multivitamin. So don’t worry about drug testing labs finding it in your urine. It’s probably in your urine right now.

What does niacin do?

Okay so what does niacin do? Like all B vitamins niacin helps the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose). Your body then uses that fuel to produce energy. To boost energy is one of the main reasons why people take niacin pills.

Niacin uses?

Like we said aside from using niacin pills for passing a drug test, niacin is also used to help boost energy. It’s also taken to provide healthier skin, eyes, hair and liver. Some people think because of the benefits provided by niacin that taking niacin pills each day leads to a longer and healthier life. Sounds great, but how does niacin help you beat a drug test?

RELATED: How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test
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Niacin pills are just vitamin B3

Niacin pills and passing a drug test

How does does niacin help pass a drug test? Because taking niacin pills has been widely used to break down fats many people think that it can help your body get rid of THC stored in the fat faster. This is what helps in passing a drug test. Just don’t overdo it. Taking too much niacin could lead to negative side effects from a rash to liver complications.

Niacin detox process

Here’s how to use niacin to pass a drug test. You’ll first have to stop smoking weed at least three to five days before your test. Remember if this is too much for you or you don’t have the time you can either use synthetic urine or try a detox drink. Liquid Stuff One Hour Cleansing Drink will temporary flush your body of toxin metabolites for about six hours. This should give you enough time to give a urine sample and pass your drug test.

Niacin flush drug test steps

  1. Buy niacin pills and take ’em
  2. Drink lots of water
  3. Pee. A lot.

We’re not kidding that’s basically the niacin drug test method in a nutshell. You’ll want to take about 1000 mg of Niacin a day and couple that with about two gallons of water each day as well. Don’t drink it all in one session of course, space it out during the day. Also space out taking those niacin pills too while you’re at it. Do this for at least two or three days and up to five days prior to your drug test.

Now on the day of your test take about 1000mg of niacin and drink a couple bottles of water. Try and pee at least three times before the test. Pro-Tip—always capture mid-stream pee. That means pee into the toilet for 2-3 seconds then inside the cup and then back inside the toilet. Mid-stream piss is always the best to use when trying to pass a urine drug test.

Another Pro-Tip—test yourself using a home drug test prior to the big test to see if you’ll pass. You can even try the niacin for drug tests method above and test it out prior to the test. That’s it. Good luck with the Niacin Drug Test Method and using niacin pills to help pass your piss test. Let us know how it goes, eh?

Have you tried the Niacin Drug Test Method or have any questions or comments about niacin and drug tests? Please leave ‘em in the comment section below.

Stoner Stuff

View Comments

  • ill give it a shot! have 2 weeks, im not fat but i have a home THC drug teast and will monitor it daily.not real active now but i need to get my motabilism up.on probation and dont want to go to jail either. havent smoked in 2 weeks,tested today and im getting nervous. ill let you know!,Thanx!

  • Niacin givin me all types uncomfortable feelings. Head spins. Diarrhea. Only popped one yesterday. Ima just do certo drug test method the day before.

  • I'm trying to enlist in the military and I just recently smoke. I'm suppose to be getting tested next Thursday and I've been taking Niacin for a few days now. I hope I pass

  • I have only smoked 3 times in the last 4 weeks. Tonight being one of them. Tomorrow I have a drug test at 10am. I'm not worried. I'm taking my first pill rt now and then one at 8am. I'll drink lots of water and pee a lot. I have done this twice before, and let me tell you, back then, I got high everyday, I just took niacin 2 hrs before my test. I passed both times! This method is a truckers favorite. That's how I found this method out. I was told by one that they keep it in the glove box and radio down the interstate when police do random pull overs. So they are warned, take em, and pass.

    I'll come back and let you know my results...

  • im an old truck driver/equipment operator and niacin always worked for me. you can take 500mg daily or 1200-1500mg the day before your test but never take more than that cause you will end up in the hospital and take years to recover completely.Also drink plenty of water...Another truck driver tip;if you drink keep ketchup packets with you swish a couple packets around in your mouth and swallow this will let you pass a breathalizer

  • This article is a little confusing because your "How to pass a drug test for marijuana" article says that niacin doesn't work. So does it or does it not?

  • I've recently got into trouble with the law... Being put on probation... I'm an overweight female... Been smoking herb for well over 30 years... Daily... Failing my 1st piss test, He's giving me a 2nd chance... I NEED TO PASS MY UP COMING PROBATION ON JULY 19TH!!! I've read all prior posts... Just need alittle more info from an over weight person before I fire one up... Anyone out there to help me out?

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