Stoners Like Blowin’ Smoke Rings

Much like a really hot chick tying a cherry stem into a knot in her mouth, blowing smoke rings is the bar trick de jour in stoner circles. Maybe it was the very stoney hukka-smokin’ caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland … Continued

Incense is Stuff Stoners Like

Incense is stuff stoners like because it can cover up the smell of pot smoke in a dorm room faster than you can make microwave popcorn.

Stoners Like Calling Everyone Dude

Man, you would totally think that the only people who call everyone “dude” are surfers, Californians or people who watched too many fuckin’ Keanu Reeves movies, right? Well, dude, if you think that…you’d be wrong. Calling people dude is a … Continued