Doggie Style Strain Review

Doggie Style Strain

Doggie Style Strain

Name: Doggie Style
Score: 5/10
From: Growers Outlet
Farm: Dog House Farms
Processor: Cedar Creek Cannabis
Harvest Date: 11/1/16
Type: Hybrid
Content: THC 25.7% | CBD/G/C/N .20%
Sample Size: 3.5 grams
Doggie Style StrainGenetics: Can’t really find much about it online, and I wasn’t able to get a hold of the grower. I will definitely keep trying and update anything I find out in the comments.
Doggie Style StrainAppearance and Feels: This Doggie Style Strain feels exceptionally dense. Definitely sticky. You’ll want to make sure and break this apart pretty good if smoking out of a pipe or something. It’s just that dense. This particular batch is fairly dry also. It’s wicked sticky, and really dry. This should make for some good flower to smoke through the Vapium Summit+. But something is bugging me…
Doggie Style StrainSmell: As soon as I opened the bag there was a pretty strong, almost musty smell. I checked, and the material is definitely not moldy, so I don’t know. I’m not using a microscope or anything, but you can usually tell when something gives off a little cloud of mold dust. Maybe some strains just smell like that, or they smell like that when sealed in the bags that are used in the Washington I-502 market. I don’t know, but it definitely made my nose brains go WHOA.
Doggie Style StrainWhen you pick a single bud out and break it open, there’s more of a pronounced piney, earthy aroma, but definitely nothing to write home about. All I can think about is that lingering musty odor. Not so sure ’bout this Doggie Style Strain.
Doggie Style StrainFlavor: Pretty much like it smells, sort of bland and unimpressive. I mean it doesn’t taste awful or anything, it just doesn’t have that bomb ass good weed taste some of us look for when we go get some herb. I’ve definitely had much better tasting flower from Cedar Creek Cannabis, take a look at the Star Killer if you want something real tasty.
Doggie Style StrainHigh: The buzz was alright, just like anything else I’ve been smoking on lately. It gets the job done. My issue is that it doesn’t taste all that great while doing it. But then again, I’m probably one of the more picky smokers out there, so I’m probably just being a pretentious asshole. It’s good weed, I just feel like there’s better out there. The buzz is nice and cerebro, all up in the headspace and shit.
Doggie Style StrainOverall: Not great, but not terrible. That pretty much sums up my review of the Cedar Creek Cannabis Doggie Style. It can’t always be top shelf weed I suppose, and that’s good. The market needs all sorts of variation, because something that I may not enjoy, might be the best shit for someone else. It’s all relative, and as always, remember that this is just one stoner’s interpretation of the data, and this stoner was pretty unimpressed. I’ll definitely try it again just to see if maybe I got a bunk bag, but after reviewing their Star Killer, which was completely epic, this Doggie Style disappoints.

For Stuff Stoners Like, I’m Mat Lee.

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