You might recognize Steve DeAngelo from the Discovery Channel’s Weed Wars series a few years back, or the premier of Morgan Spurlock’s Inside Man on CNN. Or you might know him as the owner of the Harborside Health Center—the gold-standard, yet embattled medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, California that’s still fighting to remain open even as the city takes on the Federal Government to allow it to operate.
We’ve interviewed DeAngelo several times. He’s also been interviewed by less interesting publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, the Associated Press and literally every major network news source in the country.
DeAngelo was instrumental in the passage of Washington DC’s medical cannabis initiative. He also co-founded Hemp Tour along with Harborside Director of Education, Rick Pfrommer and legendary activist and founder of the Berkeley Patients Group, Debby Goldsberry. In addition to opening the Harborside which has locations in both Oakland and San Jose, California, DeAngelo’s created several other ventures including SteepHill Laboratory, one of the first cannabis testing labs and The ArcView Group who are helping to fund businesses in the fastest growing industry in the country—legal marijuana.
Now after nearly four decades of involvement in the cannabis reform movement, DeAngelo will release his first book; The Cannabis Manifesto, A New Paradigm for Wellness from North Atlantic Books/Random House in September later this year. You can pre-order a copy of The Cannabis Manifesto.
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2 Responses to “Steve DeAngelo to Release New Book; The Cannabis Manifesto”
Eve Lentz
I can’t wait to read your “Manifesto”, Steve! You have always inspired me, in that you keep going for your dreams, despite the consequences! I wish I had half your nerve!
Joaner Hepsworth
☆☆☆☆☆ Excellent read. From the history to the informative medical potential. Definitely tapped my “extinction learning” to its full potential! Should be required reading for all politicians and anyone in the medical field.