Win an Ounce of Weed and More
Harvest time is here again. The summer’s beautiful sun has helped this year’s crop flourish and reach its full and tasty potential. Yep the harvest of 2015 is underway, man. And it is looking great. Not to mention Halloween is right around the corner. So it’s time to celebrate, dude. So to make that happen and to kick off this years bounty in a big way we’re working with the Harborside Health Center in San Jose and Oakland to give away an ounce of weed at each store and lots of other great stuff stoners like—a total of $1,200 worth of marijuana products from this year’s harvest that was all grown using the power of the sun.
- Like our Facebook Page, or follow us on Twitter, or Instagram or signup for our newsletter
- Like the Harborside Health Center’s Facebook Page, or follow them on Twitter or Instagram.
- Let us know how many joints are in an ounce of weed (give us yer best guess) and which Harborside store you’d like to visit to claim your prize. There’ll be 1 winner per store so choose your location wisely—and keep in mind that you’ll be held to it.
We’ll pick 2 random winners (one for each location) at 4:20 pm West Coast time on Halloween, October 31st. You must be a medical marijuana patient in the state of California, at least 18 years old and have a valid medical marijuana recommendation. You will need to pick-up your winnings at Harborside Health Center’s San Jose or Oakland location. Good luck.
- SunGrown ounce of weed. (regularly $295)
- SunGrown Pre-rolled Joint (regularly $12)
- Strait Concentrate Made with SunGrown Cannabis (not pictured)
- Trichome Heavy Concetrate—The Melts Made with SunGrown Cannabis
- Kiva Blueberry Terra Bites or Kiva Espresso Beans- 120mg (regularly $16) Made with SunGrown Cannabis
- Kiva Chocolate Bar – 180 mg (regularly $18) Made with SunGrown Cannabis Choice of Blackberry, Tangerine, Mint Irish Cream, Vanilla Chai
- Kiva Chocolate Bar – 60 mg (regularly $9) Made with SunGrown Cannabis, choice of Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate
- Absolute Extract (ABX) Cartridge – .5g (regularly $35) Made with SunGrown Cannabis Various Flavors
- CBD Blue Jay Absolute Extract (ABX) Cartridge – .5g (regularly $60) Made with SunGrown Cannabis.
Make sure to join us this Halloween (Saturday, Oct. 31) for Harborside’s SunGrown launch event and score some of the stuff we’re kicking down for some dirt-cheap prices, dude—see below. Make sure to order or arrive early because everything is available while supplies last and we’ve seen those ounces go quick. Both Oakland and San Jose will be open from 10am-8pm. Online ordering is available for delivery within Harborside’s delivery areas; and for pickup at their Oakland location. Discounts cannot be combined with industry, senior, or veteran discounts.
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165 Responses to “Win an Ounce of Weed on Halloween”
Enter me!!! 42 joints in a oz.!! And I’ll pick that up in San Jose!
Brad Holmes
28 joints & Oakland
Lori Berry
It’s approximately 40.49929 joints. Oakland please!
All depends how fat of a joint your rolling but somewhere around 28 or less joints . Oakland please
I calculate 40.
If they’re fatties 20.
Harborside SJ
Theo Napoleon
48 gram joints SJ
Samantha Norick
Samantha Norick
Samantha Norick
Jessica veraza
I would say 21 joints and the san jose location
Theo Napoleon
28 gram joints sj
35 San Jose
Seeing how i don’t live in the cali area to redeem the free oz. i’ll tell everyone the real answer.
All were good answers but nowhere near .
If there is 28grams in 1oz. and MANY joints are 1.75g ,if not 2grams stuffed into papers …
2 x 14 = 28
So the answer is: 14
Hpw you win @Kristin
26 joints !! San jose
Ben C
23 joints per ounce! It’s a well known fact that stoners like 1.2 gram joints! San Jose Harborside please 🙂
Jorge P
An ounce is about 28.3495 grams and I would roll with 1.7 grams roughly so I would guess about 17 slow burning joints for a great time to relax. I choose Oakland’s Harborside Health Center! Thank you!
About 24. Oakland please
Sharon Gasca
I would ha ve to say since there is roughly 28 grams (give or take) in an ounce aND each joint weight to around .07 grams to 1 gram. You wold be able to make around 35-41 joints! I followed both Stuff Stones and Harborside . I am a patient at both location. Would prefer the Oakland location is chosen! Thank you for the opportunity
Ana M L
28 1 gram joints / oz!
I’d like to pick up in Oakland if I win! 🙂
Scott Francis
47 Dubees. Oakland location. Sweet
Jacqueline V.
31 joints is my guess.
Oakland, CA location please 🙂
Thank you.
20 fatties. Oakland location 🙂
James harrison
40 joints in an ounce, oakland
Samantha Norick
56 Oakland
22 joints and the San Jose location
I personally roll 1g joints, so im gonna say 28 joints!
Oh thats Oakland HS by the way
40ish. Oakland! Yay!
28.3495 joints. Oakland.
I’ve been a follower and liker on all social media platforms for HHCOAK and SSL 31 joints in a ounce
Approximately 40 joints in an ounce. Oakland.
Renee Cordova
I think about 24 joints in Oakland Thank You!
Matt Wiens
If u roll by the Gram – 28 joints
28 fat joints which I’m ready to get my hands on Oakland Please !
Andrea Maldonado
Followed you on IG : drea_cmf ..28 fat joints please & thank you for the chance !!
Kyle S.
Lol here goes try two, since I posted the other one on Twitter , I think I’d have to stick with my answer though. I mean we all can start licking papers together and stuff, but when it comes down to it the the old faithful joint never does ya wrong. 2g packed in a joint would come right about 14 joints in an ounce, aka a great F’ing Halloween ✌️ If I were picked, I’d prefer the oak location ✊
Sammer Haddad
28 joints 🙂 Oakland Ca
Vanessa M
28 joints 1 gram each
Harborside Oakland
30 dawg. Oak because even though SJ is five away, Oaktown has always had tha betta
Danilo Soda
28.3 joints, and Ill pick it up at Oakland location 🙂 have a great day
Rashaad Bess
About 32 joints in an ounce. Pick up from Harborside Health Center Oakalnd. 1 love.
Michael Chavez
48 joints are in an ounce of weed. Harborside Oakland on Embarcadero.
Approximately 40.49929 joints to be exact!
31 joints!!
Luis salgado
I say 20 joints rolled at 1.4.
Justin Hernandez
Id guess around 28 joints.
But its all about that #vapelife
Harborside San Jose
Luis salgado
And if I win I’ll pick up from San Jose!
Leonardo Solis
It all depends how much are in each joint. IF it’s a gram to each joint, then it’s 28 joints in a once. And the location I pick is Oakland
Courtney B
28.3459 one gram joints and Oakland!! 🙂
About 100 joints, unless your Rolling a Cheech and Chong joint, then one big one
Rebecca C.
From an ounce, I would roll about 20-25 joints, depending on how lazy I am that day =) Oakland please! Happy Halloween Harborside! =)
David Brooks
I’m saying 27 perfectly rolled spooky joints…. Oakland Harborside!!!!
Michael La flamme
1 oz = 28 king size joints / 36 regular joints! Since iv sat and rolled a few zips befor! Happy Holloweed!!:)
Harborside health center oakland! Following on instagram.
Kelly C
I think it’s about 26 joints and I’d pick up from Oakland 🙂
19 joints with some larger papers. San Jose harbor side for the win!!
Timothy Kane
35. Oakland
46. Oakland Harborside 🙂
17. Oakland
I say 28 joints
Carrie Pilch
30 or 40 depending on how phat they’re made!
Depending on who is rolling there are roughly 30-40 joints in an ounce. Maybe less if you are Wiz Kalifa. See you in Oakland!
Carrie Pilch
For got to include location in previous comment ☝ Oakland por favor! Gracias!
Derek Castrejon
28 joints in an ounce. Oakland Ca
25 if small papers hand rolled. King sized cones 16. Regular cones 24. Id love to pick all those delicious treats in San Jose friends
chris jack
For me only about 12 joints (we roll spilff’s mon). NC
John O Sea
28 joints.Oakland location.
28 jointsOakland.Amazing giveawaysThanks for the chance
51 joints. I’ll go to Oakland for that…..
Megan Dooley Fisher
40.49929 Joints in an ounce!
Megan Dooley Fisher
Oakland for me 🙂
28 depending on size, 28 good size. Oakland locations works for me thx.
Ive actually done this, we got 37 joints and some left over the couldnt make it into a joint. San Jose, Ca. 🙂
I say there are 28 joints in an ounce. I’ll take my prize at the Oakland location please 🙂
50, San Jose
Kevin Kawazoe
I will be happy with anything I win.
I will be happy with whatever I win. I’ll just be glad on winning something.
I will be happy with whatever I win. I’ll just be glad on winning something but if it there is always a next time,
Thank you!
Jon NcJohn
40 joints! Oakland!!!
Mike Carrol
I’ll say 25 joints and I’m good w/the Oakland store.
Derek Hadfield
Love it! Thank you Stuff Stoners Like & Harborside. I follow you on IG & love your pics. SJ store please.
Chris Landy
40 & oaktown is where I’m down
28 1 gram joints if following Harborside standards.
Andrew Veloza
28 joints in a ounce I believe and I prefer Oakland
There would be 28 joints rolled out of an ounce of sweeeeeeeet Mary Jane!!!
There would be 28 joints rolled out of an ounce of sweeeeeeeet Mary Jane!!!
Oakland please!!!!
52 joints in an ounce. Oakland!
52? They would be thinner than toothpicks! 35 tops! Oakland, please!
28 grams in an oz; 2 joints/gram =52
ima win, Mauricio! watch me! LOLOL!! then i might share a pin joint with ya lmaoooooooooooo
Mike Q
51 joints in an ounce. Not every roll is perfect
If I win I choose HB San Jose
Benjamin H
My guess is 26 joints. But if I won I would roll about 32. Oakland Plz
Steve B.
1 – I roll big joints just like the judges! Oakland please.
41 – theres 41 joints in an oz
Deric Adkinson
I say 57 joints in an ounce!
Deric Adkinson
Oakland ca
Libby Trumer
I’ll say 25 and pick up in Oakland
Hi enter me please . I just rolled a good looking joint and it weighed 1.2 grams. Thats equals 23 joints per ounce as my guess. Thanks for a great contest.
Peace and love
Hi enter me please . I just rolled a good looking joint and it weighed 1.2 grams. Thats equals 23 joints per ounce as my guess. Thanks for a great contest. San jose pick up please.
Peace and love
Lol whoops meant to edit for location!
Jacob A
Oakland! 60 joints! Gimme can’t wait
Elaine b
45 joints. San Jose
How many joints are in an ounce? As many as your willing to Roll up!
Phil D
30 joints. 1 blunt. See you in Oakland
Ruddy P
30. SJ
Mermaid Man
100 pincers. Oakland. Rock on
Tim W
Read the other post. It says 40 but I say as many as I want! Susan Jose.
Sweet 16. San Jose
Mickey Ackerman
San Jose. 100 joints
George W
16. Oakland
Michael La flamme
(Update to earlyer post for perfect joints) 1oz = 2 raw supernatural,8 Emperador,14 peacemaker,28 kingsize,36 1/4size
Happy holloweed!! Harborside health center oakland 🙂 been following and supporting
25 at least
San Jose location
28 for sure, Oakland, Thanks!
58, San Jose
42 Joints san jose Please
21 joints. @hardborside in San Jose!!!!
28 joints i know cause I rolled up two ounces on 420 and we had 56joints location for pickup oak town followed hall on Twitter @cuzzinbruh <—-
55 joints. Oakland please
Brad Holmes
A solid 28 joints & Oakland… This would definitely be sooooo sweet & perfect timing as I just lost lots of work….
Well, if I’m listening to the greatest marijuana site there is, its 40.49929 But when I go to pickup the winnings, it’ll be jusssst enough for only one to smoke with everyone in the store!!
^^oakland 😉
Albert Gussmann
Hi, using Raw papers i feel that in an ounce there would be 16 joints rolled out of that… i live in richmond, i’d pick up prize @ the Oakland dispensary! Thanks for the awesome prizes you guys always give away to patients!!
^@norcal215 On IG
20, San Jose
40, Oakland
Oakland, 28
Would guess 25, San Jose
40 San Jose
Nice! I would say about 30, Oakland
25, San Jose, Thank you!
Oakland location
There would be 40 Joints in an oz, little less if they’re stuffed fuller.
Good morning ! There would be 40 Joints in an oz, little less if they’re stuffed fuller. Harborside Health Center Oakland, Rosemarie
24, just a guess, San Jose
About 50,
Happy Halloweed I’m guessing about 23 per ounce for an average sized J 🙂 Imma go with the San Jo location if I win all that awesome stuff stoners love hehe
Anthony ma
28 j’s. Oakland!!
Brent B
39. San Jose. Have a kick ass day
55 – San Jose
40joints. Oakland
William Brooks
I believe 37 reasonably sized joints outta 1 zip. Oakland
If you are rolling .5 joints out of a ounce then it would be around 56 joints, gram joints it would be around 27-29 joints. Oakland location !
Starry EYES
WOW. I need some of this outdoor weed. 28 joints provide more bounce to the ounce in Oakland please.
I’m super into this giveaway. From San Jose and I say 34 joints. Maybe 35.
Weird Things
Weird things happen on Halloween 2015 like me winning some weed. Please count me in. I say 15 joints. Phats ones. In Oakland.
27 of them. Oakland.
31, San Jose.
Oakland, My guess would be about 35.
Probably around 26. San Jose
30, Oakland
25 San Jose
Dus Tul
40 and San Jose thank you!
Logan C
I say there are about 35 joints in an ounce and i want to win in Oakland. Moving to Portland soon. Can’t wait to try the store up there
Tommy C
Love IT! 30 and San Jose!
15, San Jose
20. Oakland
12, Oakland.
50, Oakland.
Brandon Lillie bra
Acidentally submitted my last comment before finishing, but to be a good joint in my opinion would need at least a gram per joint, but it’s not always exact so factoring around 1.15g per joint out of 28g, would be around 24 joints.
Is this over? No winners were posted!! :'( I’m just so eager to see who won this amazing, what was supposed to be, Halloween treat! waited all day for 4:20, and I’m sure so did more than half the people who entered! Always love u tho HS! 🙂 Day of the dead is a cool holiday to give it away too. ❤️
Stoner Stuff
Stoner Stuff
Stoner Stuff
We posted it on social media. The winners were: Leonardo Solis and Luis salgado. Danks for asking. We’ll have another contest starting tomorrow, man. And we always have FREE STICKERS:
Not cool the people who one had the most generic answer