The largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world marks a major milestone next week. That’s right, man, the Harborside Health Center in Oakland is turning nine years old on October 3rd. And they’d like to give you an anniversary present. No that’s wrong. Actually they’d like to give two lucky Bay Area marijuana patients nine anniversary presents each. They’ll select one winner for each of their stores—Oakland and San Jose. How cool is that?
- Like our Facebook Page, follow us on Twitter or Instagram
- Like the Harborside Health Center’s Facebook Page, follow them on Twitter or Instagram.
- Leave a comment below telling us you’ve completed steps 1 and 2
We’ll pick a random winner at 4:20 pm West Coast time on October 3rd. Make sure to see the restrictions below.
Take a look at what you can win:
1. Solio Gem Drop
1. Pre-rolled Joint
1. HHC Vape Pen Battery
1. Gram of Hash
1. Par of Huf Socks
1. Sun Grown Gram of WEED
1. Four Pack of CBD-OO’s Candy
1. Four Pack of Veda Chews Candy
1. Korova Cookie
On October 3, 2015 these products are available for only $9 each at both locations; Harborside Oakland and the new San Jose store at 1365 N 10th St. Doors open at 10am. We detailed and reviewed each product below. We’re also going to kick down a pack of 1-1/4 and king size Stuff Stoners Like rolling papers, assorted SSL stickers and a Periodic Table of Stuff Stoners Like poster.
You must be a medical marijuana patient in the state of California, at least 18 years old and have a valid medical marijuana recommendation. You will need to pick up your winnings at Harborside Health Center’s San Jose or Oakland locations.
We had a chance to sample the giveaway items and were very impressed:

The pomegranate Solio Gem Drop is a gummy candy kind of shaped like a flower. It can be divided into segments each containing 60mg of THC. And it’s made from all natural ingredients. It has a gelatinous consistency and tastes like pomegranate jelly and marijuana. It’s also vegan, gluten-free and filled with antioxidants. Healthy, right?

Produced in Santa Cruz The high CBD Veda Chews are medical cannabis infused chocolate caramel chews. Each chew packs 17.5 mg of THC and 1.5 mg of CBD and tastes like a Tootsie Roll. There are four doses to the pack totaling 70mg of THC and 6mg of CBD. The pack we sampled were derived from Sativa-based plants. They’re vegan and sugar free. Veda Chews say “Our High CBD Chew contains two triple-doses of cannabinoids that provide a mild psychoactive effect. The ratio of THC to CBD creates an opiate-like affect that will allow you to function in daily life with less discomfort and none of the side effects or potential organ damage associated with pharmaceutical medications.”

CBD-OOS medicated lozenge have high CBD and low THC rations. They’re made from Jolly Meds in San Francisco and taste like a strawberry Jolly Rancher. They even had a better texture than a Jolly Rancher—slightly more brittle. We could eat these things all day. And we probably will. According the the Jolly Meds site these are “Great for patients seeking medicine without feeling medicated.” They also come in Tangerine or Ginger. Wonder if the tangerine tastes like Tangie?

The Korova chocolate chip dipped cookie is something special. Not only does it look amazing, it tastes pretty damn amazing as well. Plus it’s potent as fuck. Each cookie contains 5 grams of weed. An eight of weed is 3.5, man. So eating one Korova cookies is like the equivalent of smoking five joints! One cookie contains 250mg of THC and 3mg of CBD. And they’re made from a balanced hybrid of Sativa and Indica weed.

The Sour Diesel Hash was spicy and familiar. We dropped it on top of bowls all day long. It added a nice li’l kick to every hit—like wasabi on sushi. Weed tastes good. We’re not gonna lie. But weed with hash sprinkled on top is like icing on the cake.
We also tested out a gram of Sun Grown Hash Plant Haze a perfect blend of sativa and Indica. We love that striking haze flavor and the musty thick smoke associated with hash plant. When combined into one strain it’s a real treat that’s really delicious.
The Indica-preroll? Dude, who doesn’t love a joint? Especially one that’s expertly rolled and filled with some super tasty herb. The j had us smiling and relaxed in no time. And we kept the doob toob for a rainy day.

We also tested the HHC’s vape pen battery that takes a pre-filled cartridge. One of the most well-known examples this style vape pen would be the O pen. These pens are cool because all you need to do is inhale to activate them. There’s no on button. Basically inhale and start to vape. We dropped a Gold Drop cartridge filled with Sour Diesel on this thing and were rewarded with awesome fuel-tasting vapor. Cartridges contain between 100 to 150 hits.

You see these things everywhere and we know why. HUF Plantlife socks are hella thick, hella plush and available in hella colors. Our test socks were seafoam green and yellow. They’re kind of expensive online, but the Harborside is selling ’em on the 3rd for just 9 bucks each. Not a bad time to build up your sock stock, dude.
Remember—these products are available for $9 each at both Harborside stores On October 3, 2015—doors open at 10am. Good luck with the giveaway. And huge thanks to the Harborside Health Center and Steve DeAngelo for the generosity. By the way, DeAngelo, who has been involved with cannabis activism for the past 40 years, just released an amazing new book, The Cannabis Manifesto. In it he details the history of weed, his own unique history with weed and his vision for the future of marijuana industry. Stay tuned because we’ll be giving away a copy soon. If you can’t wait it’s on sale.
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138 Responses to “Win FREE WEED, HASH, EDIBLES and More”
Completed steps 1 & 2! This stoner loves these kind of things
Completed steps 1&2
Linda Treadwell
I’ve completed 1 and 2. I’m baked!
Kristin greer
Steps completed
already following and liking everyone
Joseph Summit
Liked and shared on Facebook. Happy anniversary Harborside!
Completed steps 1&2 🙂
Benjamin Wittchen
Complete all Steps Dudes
Good Luck to all
Rashaad Bess
Step 1 and 2 completed. Thanks for the gratitude and love. To many more anniversaries, 1love.
Lori Berry
Completed steps 1 and 2. Love you guys!
Kathy Bogart
Completed both steps
Kathy Bogart
Please enter me in your drawing for prize , I Twitter follow and like
Hector Hernandez
1 & 2 completed
Mario Walker
I liked and followed Harborside on Instagram. I completed step 1 & 2. good luck to me.
Thank you.
Love you guys and your site. Steps 1&2 complete
Sean O.
completed step one an two. Would love this anniversary present package!
Danilo Soda
I have completed steps 1 and 2. Yipppeeee,
Lee bautista
Done and done.
When you desire quality clones, you go to HARBORSIDE
David peff
I have completed steps 1 and 2
Arthur cook
William Scott
Completed 1 and 2
Barbara Riise
Completed 1 & 2
Completed steps 1 &2
Anthony ma
Steps 1 & 2 completed!!! Let’s get high!
Eugene mcglothlin
Completed steps. Thank you
Completed steps #1 & #2!!
Jon M.
Steps 1 & 2 all done! You guys rock a huge selection! Thanks!!!!!
Sami Tabla
Completed steps 1 and 2.
Alexandra Bonilla
I have completed step 1 and 2 : )
Dean Sitton
I did the deed what was done.
I have completed steps 1 & 2–hope I win this anniversary giveaway 🙂
Rocio G.
Steps 1&2 COMPLETE
Rita Buchanan
I would like to be entered to win. I did steps 1&2.
Ariel M.
I did steps 1 and 2!
I’ve finished steps 1&2
Please enter me, thank you
Completed steps 1&2
Completed steps 1 and 2
Hello my 420 friends! I’ve completed the required steps and would be a grateful winner. Bring it on!!
Hello, I have completed steps 1 & 2. Thanks for the opportunity.
Brad Holmes
Done & done… Would love to win one
Did both the above and love harborside and their delivery.
Completed steps 1 and 2. Even if i dont win, i hope i can make it out oct 3rd! So glad i came across this!
Kim Stanis
I have completed steps 1 & 2.
Tom sheehan
1&2 complete
David brooks
Loyal follower of your social media sites. #outoftheshadowsandintothelight would love this opportunity to recieve this great medical package. Thanks Harborside and StuffStonersLike for sharing.
Sami Tabla
Completed steps 1 and 2
J Martin
Completed steps 1&2
Michael Stanislowski
Completed 1 & 2!
Completed both steps
Samantha Killheffer
Completed steps 1 and 2, let me know if I win!!! Thanks!!!
@TheCannabisPrincess (Marcy)
♡Steps 1+2 are Completed!! 🙂 ♡
@TheCannabisPrincess (Marcy)
Also A harborside member and fan of stuffstonerslike lol, thanks for the opportunity!! ♡ my Instagram name is included!
I have completed steps 1 & 2. I love all the helpful staff and services you offer patients. Here’s to 9 more years!
Steps 1 and 2 completed.
Done and done. Thank you. Great contets.
Fiester Jay
Love your website and go to harborside all the time. I will pick this up.
Booster the Robba jobba
free is my favorite flavor. give me. all your free.
Give it to me. Steps 1 and 2 are done.
Down Town Girl
Steps are completed. Hope I win. I like stuff stoners like. Stoned to the bone.
Travis D
Steps 1 and two are done.
Finished steps 1 and 2! Love you guys and happy anniversary to Harborside!!!!
Lee padilla
Done I’m following both now step 3 seeing my name is the winner section
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Steps are done
Steps 1 and 2 are completed
All Steps are completed!
Steps are finished
All set
I have done all steps
All done
Steps are complete
Both steps are finished
Steps are all done
Steps 1 and 2 are done and done
All done
Finished all steps, thanks!
All of the steps have been completed
All are complete
Both steps completed.
steps one is done and two is too
Me me me me me. win.
I completed 1 and 2
I have completed steps 1 and 2!
I’ve completed both steps.
Good luckn everybody!
Rebecca C.
Both steps completed! Happy Anniversary Harborside!!! Good luck everyone! =)
Danielle Klisiewicz
Step 1&2 completed. Now to win!
Completed steps 1 & 2!
Bailee Blunt
😀 😀 😀
Jason Hensley
I have completed steps 1 and 2. My fiance has MS, we would love the chance to try some new medicine. Thanks…
I’ve completed step 1 & 2.
rodger s
completed steps 1 and 2
Could only do step one
David Jimenez
Completed Step 1 and step 2
completed steps 1&2
Steps completed
I completed 1 & 2
Anthony Saenz
I have completed both steps and also have my rec
Trista Korf
Blam complete
I completed steps 1 and 2
Tia James
Completed Steps 1 & 2, Some good weed will be very appreciated. WeedLover101
Courtney Estrada
I have only ever just smoked regular smoke nothing really fancy.i would like to try some new my pain gets worse and worse and sleep gets less and less i refuse to take opiates or pain killers because the withdrawal from these meds is worse then the pain.anyone wanna send me some sample courtney estrada 2300 south nova rd lot 5 south daytona Florida 32119.#3866011434.if anyone knows of real natural pain killers please let me know. because i am very sick and no doctor will help because they think im drug seeking.opiate use in florida has become an epidemic.
Pot head bob
Completed steps can I get some good stuff now?
Estevan rivera
I did the steps
Estevan rivera
I did all the steps and would like to try some good stuff
im done with 1 and 2
im done with 1 and 2
Randolph madden
I completed the steps
I have completed steps 1-2
Just finished the 1st step and the second i was unable to find the page when I used the link provided . But I tried can I still try some samples plz
I finished both steps
Allen mason
Completed are 1 and 2
Completed step one and 2
I completed step one and two
I’m done with the steps
mark wade
I finished step one and two my shipping address is 208696 Chicago IL 60620
Stoner Stuff
Contest is over, man, sorry
Bob Michel
Completed first step but upon second step it kept saying page not found, help!
i have dont the steps
Shawnie Goble
I have liked 1-2
done and done time to get high
Finished steps 1 and 2.
I have completed Steps 1 & 2 😎
Chris Pasto
Ive completed 1&2 all done
gardar freyr irisarson
im done
1&2 done
Mary rounds
Completed steps 1 and 2
Completed steps 1 and 2
Jason E Ahearn
Steps 1 and 2 done
liked and following
liked and following, looking for more great info and products
Done ❤️❤️
Chloie Searcy