BREAKING NEWS–Global Marijuana March Underway

Today, all over the world people are marching in the name of marijuana! No, no, no…we’re not talking about the march to the refrigerator that stoners take daily at 4:21. We’re talking about a far-reaching annual event where passionate  stoners … Continued

Happy Holidays

No matter your age, race, color, or creed today is our day our day to celebrate weed! Hope you all have a great 420!

BREAKING NEWS–Stoner Arrested for Smoking a Cat

Sometimes you just can’t make this shit up! The AP is reporting that some 20-year-old dude in Omaha, Nebraska was arrested last night for trying to smoke his cat! Allegedly the guy  tried to “mellow out his cat” (named Shadow)by … Continued

BREAKNG NEWS — Smoking Pot Can Save Your Ass

Yep it’s true…there are chemicals in marijuana, cannabinoids, that, according to new research, can put the brakes on colon cancer. Raymond DuBois and his colleagues at the University of Texas have discovered that a key receptor (CB1) for cannabinoids is … Continued

BREAKING NEWS — Cheech and Chong are Back

Forget the Big Lebowski and that lame-ass Pineapple Express. If you want the real deal pot comedy, watch any Cheech and Chong movie. Or just catch them on tour! Yep, the original weed comedy duo Cheech and Chong are back … Continued

BREAKING NEWS — Governator Terminates Pot Bill

[digg=]Get this California Governor Arnold  “Governator” Schwarzenegger just vetoed a bill that would have protected medical marijuana users from being fired for testing positive for using pot. Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-SF) wrote up a bill, AB 2279, that would have … Continued

BREAKING NEWS — Marijuana possession charge against NFL player dropped

The prosecution has dropped a marijuana possession charge against Houston Texan running back Jameel Cook. [digg=]Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey said Tuesday there was insufficient evidence to show Cook knew there was marijuana in his car when he … Continued

Cannabis Can Fight Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Cannabis Can Fight Drug-Resistant Bacteria It’s been know for a little while that cannabis can fight drug-resistant bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria are a growing concern for public health. These superbugs are becoming more prevalent and more difficult to treat with traditional … Continued